Freshwater VS South Sea

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The Pearl Outlet

Here's an interesting comparison. This is one of our 11.5mm-12.5mm AA+ freshwater strands and one of our 10mm-13mm AAA South Sea Strands.

Note: The following is NOT a sales pitch, so please don't ask where to find it on our site. I'd like to make a comparison here though, and it can't be done adequately without real numbers.

The FW strand is selling for $950 and the South Sea strand is $19,000. I think this will be a big WOW factor for a lot of people.

WOW, indeed. I just love those big pretty pearls, and while the FW are costly (to me, anyway) they are feasible whereas those SS will forever be out of my reach. Thanks for the side-by-side!
Wow indeed. However, I do perfer the satin silver SSP over the CFWP.

Mind you, for some strange reason, round SSP does not do much for me.

I would like a strand of 16mm+ baroque SSP one day though, and shall continue to play the lottery :D

DK :)
Here's an interesting comparison. This is one of our 11.5mm-12.5mm AA+ freshwater strands and one of our 10mm-13mm AAA South Sea Strands.

Note: The following is NOT a sales pitch, so please don't ask where to find it on our site. I'd like to make a comparison here though, and it can't be done adequately without real numbers.

The FW strand is selling for $950 and the South Sea strand is $19,000. I think this will be a big WOW factor for a lot of people.

Jeremy, You want to see somebody cry? Show that to Nick or Kelly when your in Dubai. Or are you going Terry?
I like them both and would buy them if I had the money - but seriously - why pay 19,000 dollars when I can get such lovely freshwater pearls- even if they don?t sport that special silvery tone the SS have.?
Although the SS are pretty spectacular, I do prefer the "softness and warmness" for lack of a better description of the freshwaters. Thanks for the comparison, keep more like this coming!
If I were to give one of these to my wife, I'd give her the freshwater pearls.

Another comparison if you will: My wife is blonde and fair skinned and the FW pearls look absolutely spectacular on here where as the more white with silver overtones SS only looks ok. On the other hand, my niece has a darker complexion, and the SS look way better on her. I guess her future hubby will have to come up with a fortune to outfit her.