Freshwater Maple-leaf Mussel Shells


New Member
Mar 2, 2009
Hello Pearl-guiders

I have a received an email from a client in Texas who has 45,000 lbs. of freshwater maple-leaf mussel shells that he wants to sell. Would anyone know where I can refer client. Thank you.

best regards
Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre
He has that many shells and he doesn't know where to sell them? Jeesh! I'd luv to hear that story! Like how many pearls did he find? He had a license of course. Right? 45,000 shells, even if you count each shell as a pound, should yield pearls at about 1 per thousand. So 45 pearls for all that destruction? Maybe 100, if the shells are .5 lbs. The shellers don't even eat the meat. I wonder what happened to that?
Are these shells poached? Oh, my, my imagination is conjuring up several possibilities.

At least I don't think Maple leaf mussels are endangered. Did he buy out another business? If so why didn't he have a contract or at least know who to approach? Is the state trying to sell busted mussels?

We have at least one shell guy on this forum, former shell guy maybe. Let's see if the active one answers.

For me, this is a mystery I'd like to see solved. I'm intrigued.
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Freshwater Maple-leaf shells

Freshwater Maple-leaf shells

Hi Caitlin, yes, I hear you, but judging from the mail I'm receiving on a daily basis from people wanting to sell pearls, especially natural pearls, (certified) and antique jewelry, (appraised) I think the reason could be more to do with the "recession" and maybe also the unpredictability of the weather?

He did provide contact details, (on our public forum) and not only freshwater maple-leaf mussel shells, he also has 5,000 lbs. of Three ridges and washboards. All of these shells, he says, are of a good quality and he is happy to send a sample. I have no idea about pearl farming, the validity of whether the shells are in fact, good quality or not.

I would imagine that anyone interested would be in the pearl farming business and experienced with the pearl farming trade.

Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre
Anyone interested would be in the shell trade which sells to factories, in China, I think, either to make nuclei or to the mother of pearl market. Farmers produce shells and sell them. They don't buy them.

Now is not a very good time to get the best price for natural pearls, even if they are auction-worthy, say at Butterfield, Christies, etc. People should not be looking to sell these, unless they are homeless or are liquidating a large estate of jewelry, etc.
Hi Yvonne,
I am a farmer and am active in the nuclei/shell trade. I'm sorry to tell you that your friend's timing is not the best. Nuclei stocks in China (especially small sizes) are extremely high due to the past profitability of it. Lack of a structured market has pushed supply through the roof and the companies we deal with are happy to give their beads away at the moment, content with a promise of future payment.
Caitlin, my guess is that the shells were harvested with the single idea of selling them to nucleus manufacturers.