Freshwater's about time!


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I just flipped through the latest issue of Jewellery News Asia and read the CIBJO Blue Book changes which include the color-induced pearls, when I came upon this little gem.

The Pearl Commission also made amendments to the definition of keshi pearls, adding "freshwater molluscs" to the definition.

I'd like to see confirmation of this apart from Jewellery News Asia because I'd not seen it before, but if it is true, it's about time!
Thanks for the word. It is indeed about time. :) And great new for those of us who love CFW 'keshi'.:D
Why not call them "Freshis"???
It is terrible to notice that everything is done to lower all about freshwater pearls, as if it was "bad" that they are at the same time affordable and fantastically beautiful.
Yes, I agree there is definitely a certain "stigma" associated with freshwater pearls. I think it will get better once they stop "trying" to be fake saltwater pearls and just BE freshwater. I don't think it helps that they come from China either (the newer AMAZING huge natural coloured freshwaters). Not a country known for high quality or ethical business practices......

- Jodie -
I missed that whole thing. I called 'em, "Keshi" the whole time they weren't!. LOL. But i am just a lowly beader who loves the schlock freshwater pearls, too! Chinese, freshwater keshi is what it is.

It is a great word- keshi- for those loose bits than seem to magically appear in between the real pearls in the freshwater mussels. The little lagniappe, so to speak -
Never meant to demeanor the freshwater keshis...the name "Freshie" would just mix "freshwater" + "keshi".... similar to what Jeremy did with the "Freshadamas": he mixed "Hamadama" with "Freshwater".
Don't get me wrong!
Why Douglas, did you demean the FWs (hands on my hips)?!?

Shame on you, young man! First you torture molluscs with sand, then you dissolve a beautiful pearl for the sake of science (that still hurts my heart), now you're up to demeaning!

Torture, Dissolving & Demeaning...what's to be done with you? What will Santa think???
Right! This is a website with a certain amount of influence too, so with frequent use we could put 'Freshi(s)' on the map.