Freshadama Set from PP

Beautifull pics and pearls thanks for sharing. So love the tahatians with the wisteria.
Thanks all

David, yes, the wisteria was all set for an amazing display this year with huge buds just starting to come out - then the temperature just plumetted and stayed down for 6 weeks... poor old wisteria, it held on and held on and held on........ and then started to drop it's petals before it had really had a chance to come out - so I tried to salvage some of what was left :(

never mind - there is always next year :)
Thanks - here a few more a bit closer up :)

the freshadamas are at the front
hanadamas in the middle
and vintage akoyas at the back


  • FD Worn 005.jpg
    FD Worn 005.jpg
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  • FD Worn 006.jpg
    FD Worn 006.jpg
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  • Navy and cherry (almost purple in real life) pearls from Margo Tahitian Pearl (Oahu, Hawaii).
    Navy and cherry (almost purple in real life) pearls from Margo Tahitian Pearl (Oahu, Hawaii).
    9.4 KB · Views: 99
The luster looks the same on photo, but in person, do you see a difference?

Yes, the hanadamas have a lustre all of their own, if worn individually

But if all three are photographed together in light that has colour nearby, they absorb that colour and it makes them look similar
You have bought some exquisite pearls. I've been admiring them all. I am glad Pearl Dreams asked that question because I couldn't tell the difference in the photo either. Thanks for your answer.
Your pearls are beautiful that is a given. But you are a great photographer. Pearls are very, very hard to photograph and you do it so well. The styling with the flowers and neck shots are outstanding. Thanks so much for sharing your beauties with us.