freshadama earrings


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
I ordered these, and they are being delivered today! I am excited :D

Those are on my list of pearls items to buy in the future. I love dangles!
Are these to go with your recent pearl purchase? Or just for fun?
well they will go with my graduated white pearls, but I got them mainly because I don't have any pearl earrings, and I think that they are a basic essential. I was going to get some studs, but I really love the dangle and think they are casual enough to wear daily. I have long hair, so I think the dangles will show better. I will post pics as soon as the ups man shows up! :-)
Those are really pretty! Your right white dangles are great staple for any wardrobe. What are the overtones like?
Those look like a Silver overtone mixed with subtle Rose. The luster looks excellent- congrats on some very fine pearls, Lucy!

I *love* recommending Gem-Quality Freshwater pearls (call them Freshadama, Elites or Gemmies) to our customers; especially those trying to decide between Akoya and FW. Overall, the Gem FW have better value, and are much less susecptible to daily wear and tear than Akoya pearls. Great choice!!
nope, it was about the earrings. Its no big deal, it was pretty much a double post I just posted the pictures in the show us your pearls section. I think you just deleted it. Its okay, I should have put the picture in this thread originally :-)
Luckykelley, Caitlin,
The earrings pics. are in the clasps thread.