Hello, everyone. Very glad to have found this site. Have learned quite a bit through reading here about pearls and their proper care (and how inadvertently wrongly my childhood Sea World pearls had been stored for years), but I post now to ask for help identifying an old string of possibly real pearls found tossed in the bottom of an old jewelry box of costume jewelry.
Dad tried the tooth test and says they do feel gritty. The string is approximately 22" long, not counting the clasp. In sunlight, the alleged pearls are a light golden color with iridescent pink and green tones; as you can see in the photos (taken with two different cameras in sunlight, no flash), the camera and other nearby pearls, etc. reflect on the surface. The clasp is white metal, same design on both front and back (if I understand correctly, you folks call this type of clasp a generic fish hook) and the only marking is "S14K' on the fish hook portion. I think I may be seeing what qualifies as "soap bubble" but I don't really know enough to know. Each pearl is knotted, they seem to vary slightly in size around the 7-8mm range and, holding them up in front of me, I can see that they vary slightly in size and shape (wouldn't really describe as "egg" though); they also have little surface imperfections here and there and some have cracks near holes which we've tried to show. The string overall feels noticeably heavier in hand than do the other obvious plastic strands found with them.
What do you think? Thank you for your time and I'll try to answer any additional questions.
Dad tried the tooth test and says they do feel gritty. The string is approximately 22" long, not counting the clasp. In sunlight, the alleged pearls are a light golden color with iridescent pink and green tones; as you can see in the photos (taken with two different cameras in sunlight, no flash), the camera and other nearby pearls, etc. reflect on the surface. The clasp is white metal, same design on both front and back (if I understand correctly, you folks call this type of clasp a generic fish hook) and the only marking is "S14K' on the fish hook portion. I think I may be seeing what qualifies as "soap bubble" but I don't really know enough to know. Each pearl is knotted, they seem to vary slightly in size around the 7-8mm range and, holding them up in front of me, I can see that they vary slightly in size and shape (wouldn't really describe as "egg" though); they also have little surface imperfections here and there and some have cracks near holes which we've tried to show. The string overall feels noticeably heavier in hand than do the other obvious plastic strands found with them.
What do you think? Thank you for your time and I'll try to answer any additional questions.
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