found little pearl at beach australia


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
Hi guys after a bit of info about this little pearl the kids found at the beach a few years ago. found at a beach near brisbane any info on what it is would be much appreciated


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I'm not an expert, but I would guess its a pinctada maxima oyster. And it looks like you have a nice natural pearl. But lets see what the experts say.
Could we have a clear photo of the pearl?
Tempting as it is to store things in plastic for the clear view, please remember pearls need the moisture in the atmosphere. I've taken to storing the odd pearl or broken/unfinished strand in envelopes with windows. If the experts think this is a bad thing, will someone please let me know?
more pics not sure of best way to take pic inside or out


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Outside, Anytime-mid-day since you're in Australia
indirect light,( Not in direct light, in shade)
White, matte background
With something to indicate size (coin or ruler) in photo
Full zoom (flower), then back up a little bit
Rotate the pearl, show us a couple of views, sides if there are any, including any bad. For posting purposes you'll want to crop the photo so the pearl itself fills the frame.

How you get from camera to posting you seem to have got down, respect to you!

Wow, by the time you're finished you should have a photo array, all set for selling! (Although I'd keep it and set it in a ring, or dangle)
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Thanks we are going to get it made into a ring to give to our 3yr old daughter for her sixteenth bday. I know long way off til her 16th but will probaly take me awhile to get motivated to do it. Anybody know of a good jeweler in brisbane taken it into a few a yr back to get ideas but they werent very interested in doing it. Any ideas on what pearl might be worth?so we know how much we should spend on getting it set into a ring
With the close up pics you post soon, the experts will have a better shot at giving you ballpark values. In the long run won't it just come down to a setting that appeals to you and your wife and hints from what you see your daughter liking? I hope you remember us and send us pics of the ring when the time comes!
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Great story. Too bad we don't have those kind of oysters in San Diego! :cool:
have tried to get some more photos this is about as good as i can get with my camera


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Excellent! You did great with the photos!!

What do you guys think about keeping the photos on the black background too, and cropping them? I think they should keep them for posterity, but would they be useful if they wanted to sell the pearl?

Decent size pearl, nice.
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That is a perfect size for a 16 year old girl. From your story and photos, it would seem you have yourself a tiny, but natural pearl, a rare gift from the sea...
I agree with Lisa - the second photo on the black background really shows it off

what a 16th Birthday present that will be !!
The full story is the kids were looking for cockles at the beach and found about 6 of these shells tried to open with a knife at the beach(boys being boys) couldnt open them so brought them home and left them out the front of our house in the sun and forgot about them a couple of weeks later my husband had enough of them laying out the front so went to throw them in the bin they had opened by this stage as he was about to throw this one in the bin caught sight of something shiny and to his amazement this is what he found. The boys still proudly show off the pearl and shell to anyone new that comes to visit and they still get a thrill from peoples reaction and telling the story over and over. everytime we go to the beach now they are on the lookout mind you they have a good eye while on holidays in mackay over christmas they found a huge nautilus shell on the beach they will be telling their story for years to come
Maybe Sarah of Kojima Pearl will weigh in (fingers crossed). I was under the impression that a natural pearl that large of that apparent good quality was worth a significant amount. Sure is pretty either way!
I would like to get a rough guide of what its worth before we do anything with it. We have absolutely no idea thats why its been sitting in the cupboard for the last couple of years!!! Really enjoying learning about it though
Hi Unwins, That is the best pearl story I have heard in a long while. The best part is that every visitor to your home gets to hear the story as told by your children.. the echo reaches me way up here.
As for value .. the dollar amount will never surpass the memory and the cherished family heirloom. There are certainly people on this forum more trained in natural pearl pricing than I am .. but here are a few bits to think about.
Traditionally, and especially in the modern natural pearl market (which comprises such a small group of buyers that it barely has a presence at all in comparison to the cultured pearl market) white, clean pearls hold the most value. Size of course does play a large part in the value of the pearl. 5mm is not very big to this select group of buyers. Single pearls (as opposed to well matched lots) generally attract serious buyers or the notice of auction houses when they reach around 10mm.

I would strongly recommend getting a certificate of authenticity from GIA or another reputable lab. With out that.. the pearl has very little monetary value, despite the AMAZING story that accompanies it.

You have many different laboratory choices.. here are two to try. You can expect to pay the lab around US$200, and you will receive a document that proves it's natural origin.
I would say that if you were looking for a buyer, the most you could expect to get for the pearl would be a few hundred dollars (this is just my opinion). However with the certificate, an appraisal may give you a MUCH different figure.

GIA Laboratory Bangkok
U-Chu-Liang Building, 10th Floor
968 Rama 4 Road
Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok, 10500 Thailand
Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm
T: 66 2632 4090 - F: 66 2632 4096 -


GIA Laboratory
5355 Armada Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm
T: 760 603 4500 - F: 760 603 1814

I hope this is not a disappointment, but not matter the value.. KEEP THE PEARL IN THE HAPPY FAMILY YOU ARE BLESSED WITH.. the Ocean certainly thinks so!