Found a abalone pearl


New Member
May 14, 2013
Found this pearl while cleaning my abalone yesterday the whole thing is kind of iridescent. CN 014 mostly green and blue but with some pink and purple as well. It weights 1.5 grams. I really don't plan on selling it but i was wondering if it was worth anything
Oh yes, it is! Nice find.

This is not an area of expertise for me, at all, but others will be along with comments.
Sweet! I think I mount the pearl on some gold and hang it around my neck. I found a gold ring a few weeks ago snorkeling in Hawaii it would be cool to melt that down an use it somehow. I usually don't ware jewelry but i really like this pearl. anyone have any suggestions?
I think that is a great idea! Abalone pearls are tough and can be worn all of the time snorkeling surfing etc.The value depends on what the other side looks like. Less if it is dark, more if it is bright. 1.5 grams could be worth from $30. and up depending on the color and surface. Finding one is such a precious thing. It will never be worth it to let it go. It will be the pearl that got away, not the pearl you have.
You are lucky and I hope you find more.
I don't plan on letting it go its priceless to me. I hope i find more too, I have already been telling my friends that I'm no longer and abalone diver I'm a abalone pearl diver :cool: we have found small ugly pearls in the past but nothing this big or beautiful. I was hoping it would be worth more than 30 bucks. here are some pics of the back its kind of got a weird thing on it but it is just as colorful as the front p 001.jpgp 003.jpg
I too like the octopus, squid idea. It's a magic charm of an idea! Setting it will enhance the value of your pearl.

I gave you the low ball park figure for the raw pearl according to about what Antz has been getting for his abalone pearls on ebay. Retail would be a lot more. This last batch of antz's is seconds and the price is rock bottom.
Yes, please make something you can wear and keep as a treasure. Somewhere there's a photo of an abalone horn pearl necklace, but I am on my phone and can't post it. Maybe someone else can find it here for you to see. Congratulations!