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Stud & Drop ;)


Doesn't white feel 'dull' with those colorful pearls?

Now... Alex does go turquoise blue to purple... if you find the right ones.

After all the fiddling, I'm on a simple version. These pearls could light up the night... but if the are meant to see lots of (sophisticated) day wear, simple sounds better. Like this:


Which doesn't mean this is some universal solution to the (wonderful) problem... Of course.

Just a thought.
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Oh, my, Valeria,
The top pic. - oh, wow !
I love them, just gorgeous....
Maybe the pearls do outshine the white stones, but the design is fabulous and seems perfect to my eye.
Valeria101 said:
Stud & Drop ;)


Doesn't white feel 'dull' with those colorful pearls?

I think that "white" will show better the colors of the pearls.
I ordered some findings.... they should arrive soon. While waiting I had to do something... so those are my temporary earrings....
Sueki, my dear. How did your Sea of Cortez pearl escapade turn out? Can we have pics of that? And maybe a story or two :). I'm giggling just typing ... :D
Your earrings are gorgeous, temporary or not, I love them. I look at them every day and drool. Those pearls are so beautiful....
Sigh, wish I could make earrings like those.

Knotty, the pearl in question is fine - no signs of anything untoward. ;)
It is sitting on a temporary strand, waiting to be made into a necklace.
I do love the tiny gold beads used as spacers, so have ordered some, and will complete the work when they arrive.
When I'm feeling braver, I'll maybe tell the tale. :o
I'll post pics. of the necklace when it's finished.
Question: Is it o.k. to knot between the pearls when using spacer beads ?
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Absolutely! Plan where you want your knots. Sometimes spacer beads and rondelles fit over the knot which can be cool. You have the added protection of knotting in case the strand should break, but the spacers cover the knot. I knot the whole strand regardless of whether I am using spacers or rondelles because I'm not confident that just using three knots on the end of the strand is enough to hold. (Maybe that's a pearl-a-phobia -- or knotphobia lol.) If my spacer fits over the knot, I place the pearl on the strand, knot, spacer, pearl again, and then knot. Snug the pearl a bit tighter because the knot is holding two beads. Gemstone rondelles are generally drilled so small that knotting in between isn't necessary. Those babies aren't going anywhere!

Can't wait for the pics. Let the drooling begin!
Cheers, Knotty,
I thought so, but wasn't sure.
I'd certainly feel much happier if I knot between each pearl; would hate to lose any !