First Time Pearl Buyer, Please can you help

Hi Elisa,

You are stunning in those! What a perfect size and length, so versatile! Thanks for all the photos! Your Mum's pearls are very lovely also.

so many pearls, so little time
You look stunning in the pearls. It's easier to part with the money when you know you can get two styles in one and they will last a lifetime. Thanks so much for all the beautiful photos! ;)
Gorgeous! You did a great job with the photos - thank you for sharing with us.
Great strands! That City strand looks wonderful on you - congratulations!
Here's mine, arrived this morning.
Two City strands, ivory over-tones, custom made to 36" and 38" long so's I can wear them together (I do love multi strands with clips, brooches etc. as shorteners)


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Wow. I love that length. Look wonderful on both of you.
My resistance is melting.. help, help :eek:
Just have to hit the the checkout button
Give in to the dark side! Click the button! :)

Sueki--I am jealous. You have two!

This board is such a pick-me-up, everyone always has such nice things to say.
I am still circling that button myself...

elisa - I am curous: Do you use a strand shortener when you wear your city strand doubled?
i'm not using a shortener in the first photo, but in the third I have the necklace pulled a bit tighter with the help of a bobby do i use a shortener? the answer is "sometimes, kind of" :)
Sueki - I am just so so impressed by your city strands - don't they look fantastic!! And why have one when you can have two?? Truly they look beautiful on you - I was wondering if yours had arrived yet! Thanks for the pics!
Hi Sueki,

LOVE the two strands together! I am jealous, so jealous, just fab on you.

so many pearls, so little time
I am chuckling at your comment - you are jealous of me for my two strands; I am jealous of you for your figure.
You look absolutely stunning in that photo. and I'd happily trade both my City strands ( and a couple of Cortez strands, too ) if I could look as good as that. :D

And thank you Nerida, Pattye and Robin for your comments.
Elisa is so right - everyone is great on this forum and it is truly a real pick-me-up.
I love seeing all this interest in the opera length pearls. They look great on you as well, Sueki. I think they are very elegant on a woman.
GASP !!!!!!!

Lost my breath, you both look gorgeous !

Wow that City Strand is heaven ...

Girls thank you so much for posting photos. :D
Sueki -- that was genius to get them strung in different lengths so you could wear them together. Double elegance! I think your neck looks lovely. (At least you have one -- mine seems to be disappearing!)

What a great treat to come home to so many great pearl photos in one night. I can't own them all, but my friends share them with me...:cool:

The clasp on your vintage akoyas is so lovely!!! Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Beautiful city strands ladies!

Elisa--it's perfectly lovely on you.:)

Sueki--I love the double strand. Looks so beautiful on you! Perfect choice!
Another Newbie Question

Another Newbie Question

I love the city strand, especially the double. Gorgeous together. However that's out of my price range right now. I'm considering the 18" Freshadama vs. the 18" Presidential Pearls. I know it's 2 different co's, but do they buy from the same place? Are the pearls about the same quality?:confused:
Thanks, Jerin

They both seem to be the "next step up" from the regular freshwaters. ?