First SSP

Oh, MSC, how adorable your new pendant is, and how clever were you to put it with the pipi pearls ... love it!
Thank you, PD, Cathy, kalmen, and Sun! I'm glad it was perceived as clever to put it on my little pipi necklace because it was completely an after thought to "gotta take a neck shot!"
I love this so much! Had to come back and peek at it.
I've been avoiding getting into SSP, because I'm sure once I encounter my first in real life I will need alllll the SSP and I'm in a "paying for two kids in daycare costs twice as much as my mortgage" stage of life, but you're making me rethinking my frugality. I luuurve that necklace, the combo is fabulous. I have a Sea of Cortez mabe project in the works, now I'm dreaming of SSPs and pipis.... thanks a lot LOL.
LOL it is a slippery slope, battah! I feel you on the need for frugality, after too many years in school, I am in the "repaying substantial student loans" part of life, which is taking the place of having kids LOL. This is my one and only GSSP and I won't buy another till I can afford a perfect pair of natural colored deep golden Golay drops. So maybe in like 5 years XD
That sounds like a delicious goal to work toward!
Thank you, PD, Cathy, kalmen, and Sun! I'm glad it was perceived as clever to put it on my little pipi necklace because it was completely an after thought to "gotta take a neck shot!"

That was a 'great way to go' afterthought!
This is my one and only GSSP and I won't buy another till I can afford a perfect pair of natural colored deep golden Golay drops. So maybe in like 5 years XD

Who was I kidding???
