First look at Gulf Cultured pearls from RAK

Thornburgh sounds, to me, like a Viking-origin surname? There was a Bishop Thornborough at either Bristol or Worcester, a vague memory tells me.

My surname, Jones, is very Welsh, obviously. As was my paternal grandfather, Owain Jones! Most of the other surnames in my immediate family tree are northern, with a couple of Kent and Somerset origin names slipped in for good measure.
It is one of the oldest Anglo-Saxon names on record. At least my Thornburg family name is. Apparently the origins are in Yorkshire and Buckinghamshire. there was probably a major split when some of them embraced Quaker belief. They were friend with George Fox, right at the beginning. Many of the Quakers went to Cootehill Ireland for a few decades, then to the colonies in the early 18th century.
by a cnery or so later, my direct family members lost the connection to the Quakers, but their genealogies were preserved in the Quaker archives back to George Fox.
Sure. Those are the best of my stash extended by adding smaller pearls between the larger ones.
did you get the mixed up strand too?
Here is one of Caitlin's strands in the front of "The Battle of the Pearls" The others are from Pearl Paradise.
Caitlin can you tell us what we are looking at?

That is a strand made out of my best pearls with smaller ones in between to extend the length. It is knotted between each pearl to extend the length more. The biggest pearls are around 6mm and they go down to 2mm in the back. The white colors were not matched as my grampa felt lucky enough to get any round ones.

His last necklace was the choker made with round pearls from about 8mm to 7mm in the back. It was his piece de resistance and took a decade to assemble. It is in the thread I linked to above if you scroll down. I found photos of three different necklaces with round pearls- not much to divide up. But he did have some of those tiny ones too.
the longer necklace consists of all the pearls from the al Hashimi necklace with some SS keshi to extend the length. When the pearls are all off shaped, I just plain got tired of looking at them all lined up 2 by 2 from the tallest to the smallest, like Madeline and her friends in the orphanage/boarding school. I can't remember what I called the photo essay on making it, but it is here, somewhere.
If anyone does not know who Madeline is, here you go:
Mad 4.jpgbook-madeline.jpg0.jpgludwig_bemelmans_-_madeline_in_bed_os_14x18.jpg

The original post said these are freshwater pearls? If so why didn't they compare the nacre thickness to top level freshwater pearls from china, with nearly 100% solid nacre? Also seems less then ethical to compare sub standard Tahitian pearls.
Caitlin - that is the 'strawberry' pearl I think

Love the pictures from Madeline :)
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Thanks for the feedback in the RAK pearls. So to confirm what are they??? Reason I ask is price wise I can get a lovely 21cm natural pearl bracelet from Bahrain for a lot less than a 21cm RAK pearl bracelet.

Found this video on them below from a jeweller using them.
RAK Pearls

RAK Pearls

As promised first look and prices of the RAK pearls (price in Dirhams)

1 AED = 0.272261 USD 1 USD = 3.67295 AED

The bracelet is the one I am interested in and about 70% more expensive than a natural pear bracelet from Bahrain.


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