first EVER pearl purchase


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
Hi there:

I'm a new member with my very first question.

I've not been able to afford pearls until now, finding them too expensive and, quite frankly pretty poor quality for what they are charging at our local jewellery stores. Then I discovered this site. Whoa. Triple Whoa. Moment of respectful silence.

Sooo, now I find that maybe I can afford a string of pearls. I've been reading the different forums like a maniac for the last week, but couldn't post. Jeremy S. from PP was kind enough to answer my many questions and get me up and running on this site. Nice fella alright.

I'm thinking that his metallic freshwaters are the ones for me. I was torn with that and the white freshadamas. I like the idea of the metallics not being bleached or dyed. Longevity is a very big issue as well.

Ordering is a big thing for me as I haven't done on-line ordering before, and well, I'm Canadian. Can be a wee bit of a pain if you don't like what you see. Always a bit of a question mark getting things across the border nevermind having to send them back.

The question, right. For those of you who have the metallics, how do you like them? Are they holding up well? Are they expected to hold up well? I was thinking of ordering the smaller size ones - 6 1/2 to 7. I'm skinny and tall but small-boned, and scale is important. Plus I'm new to pearls and the bigger ones intimidate me. Also, I was hoping to get some with more deeper tones. Has anyone got some that are quite deep?

Well thanks for bearing with my ramble. I'd sure appreciate some thoughts as I'm nervous as heck to order these puppies, and could use a bit of honest advice, or maybe reassurance. I guess I'm a pearl virgin.

PV? Well, not for long! Welcome! I'll let the others talk about the metallic pearls wearability. They are simply gorgeous, though. ;)
Welcome Kelly!

Lots of fantastic things to learn here - so I am super glad you have had a good introduction. Watch out for pearlitis or pearl addiction. There is no cure for either. ;)

How funny that you should post this today. I own both a strand of white freshadamas and one of the metallic freshwaters. Today I wore the white strand which really and truly glows like a string of lights; it's amazing. Often I wear the metallics and they are just beyond words beautiful. I LOVE both but will go right out on a limb and say that for a single pearl purchase, the metallics may be my recommendation for rarity and a certain something because of the untreated colors. That's not to disparage either, by any means, but to say that the metallics are so incredibly rich in color range and subtleties (yes even though they are metallic WOW) that I am drawn to them again and again. So far both strands have worn incredibly well and look just as perfect as the day they arrived at my doorstep. I take decent but not meticulous care of my pearls - I wear them a lot and given my penchant to fall asleep with them on (!) I'm probably a decent test market. (Hear that Jeremy? *hint*... ;) )

On size, the high luster pearls have so much presence that the smaller sizes are a-OK. My metallic strand is a bit longer so that I can wear it out over all kinds of t-shirts and sweaters - 6.5-7mm and 20 inches long. It is super versatile.

I realize this may not be any help, since both products in my experience are so good you wouldn't be disappointed. Have fun pondering and I hope you will share photos of your purchase once it reaches you.
Hi Kelly,

I am also a new member. I actually came across the pearl forum with the same question that you had. I was also wondering about whether the 6.5-7mm pearls would be a good size. I too, am thin, but I am also pretty short (5'4).

I bought two strands of 6.5-7mm pearls: the metallics (16 inch) and the whites (14 inch). I exchanged the whites for a 7.5-8mm, 16 inch strand because I wanted something more substantial for professional wear.

All the pearls I have received are absolutely stunning. They seem to get more gorgeous by the day, but as a pearl virgin, I find the 7.5-8mm strand a bit large, especially for more casual wear. The metallics are my hands down, favorite. To me, they are much more versatile than the whites.

I have attached some images. Hopefully, this helps.
1st pic: 16 inch-7.5-8mm white pearls; 2nd pic: 16 inch metallics with matching earrings; 3rd pic: 14 inch whites


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Welcome to a dangerous and exciting world Kelly! I would highly recommend the metallics from Jeremy. They are truly gorgeous and unique. You can always pick up some white ones later as, one will not be enough. :)
Hi Kelly,
Welcome to our forum! I hope we get to know you a little better.... haha, you won't be a PV for long (and thanks for the new term...).

I have had some smallish metallics for some time, and they are still magnificent. Gorgeous pearls, and like you say, if you are thin (and young??) then small pearls will look pretty good on you. Thank you too, Pearl for your photos - you look great in yours!!

You are right - this forum is great for helping you find the very best value in pearls, along with heaps of advice, great facts and interesting bits and pieces, and hopefully some good pearl company! Jeremy and his staff (and many of our other vendors) are always helpful beyond belief, and I wish you well with your purchase.

Good luck, and get used to us asking - please post photos (including neck shots?) when you do take the plunge!
I also have the metallics, and they are really beautiful. I think that a call to PP for assistance in selecting a strand with colors that you would especially like could be helpful.

Good luck.
Pearl and Kelly,

Welcome! Pearl, lovely choices of strands, beautiful on you, and certainly to be enjoyed for many years to come!

Kelly,as others have suggested, it's just a matter of deciding which one you want to start with! Looking forward to pictures!!

I have metallics, and love them! Agree with others who suggest a phone call will help you have the strand of your dreams!
I have several strands of the Freshadamas and they are very, very beautiful. I just order some of the metallic harvest yesterday, and can't wait to get them. The metallics are more limited and rare, so if you are considering them....

Dear Kelly:
I have both. The white Freshadama are amazing and I wear them a lot. Plus I can add a pearl on an enhancer to change the look.

The exotics are my other favorite pearls. The saturation of colors and the luster are fantastic.

Since you are asking, I will second the others here who recommend getting the exotics. If I remember correctly, Jeremy may not carry them for long. He and his crew spent a year collecting them but you may be purchasing a "Once in a lifetime deal" if you go for them. And they are worth it.

You can get white later.


Just my 2C.
Wow! Yowza. Thanks for all of the advice. Just what I needed. Sounds like everyone is very happy with their exotic purchase. I was so excited with reading your replies that I went ahead and ordered a strand. Now the wait...

PP was very accomodating about my request for colors. Hopefully they will be able to find something like I've described. I went for the 16 inch 6.5 to 7's as I am skinny. Not terribly young mind you, but a bone rack with a long skinny neck. I do love the whites, but find the funkier exotics a little more to my liking. Hope they go with jeans as I'm a jeans girl. Never did grow up.

I think that this might be the beginning of something alright. Hope my wallet can take it. I have all sorts of questions as my eye is already roaming to Keshi's...

Anyway, thanks again everyone. You are very kind and helpful.
You'll love them, Kelly. And the size should be fine if you're thin and don't want them very large. They'll look great with jeans. Can't wait to see the pics, as there is a lot of variation in the exotics.