Photo Heavy Freshadama White, AAA White, and Metallic Multicolor Drop Necklaces
Photo Heavy Freshadama White, AAA White, and Metallic Multicolor Drop Necklaces
1) white 16" Freshadama with silver rose overtones and yellow gold fishhook clasp
2) white 16" AAA with yellow gold filigree clasp
3) 18" metallic multicolor drop with yellow gold ball clasp
(all from PP)
Below are some photos of each strand indoors and outdoors with skin tone comparisons. I think the Freshadama overtone is too rosy on my arm, what are your impressions?
I also noticed that the knots of the AAA strand seem to be larger making the pearls farther apart than on the Freshadama strand.
There are a lot of great metallic pearls on the metallic strand with crazy orient and color shift, but they are mixed with pearls of lower luster that I don't really consider to be metallic luster, at least not when next to these great pearls (context matters = understatement). I'm not sure if the photos adequately showed this but I put the AAA and Freshadama strands next to the metallic necklace and these "low luster" pearls (showing two in the photos here) seem to be less lustrous than the AAA.
I asked PP customer service for some photos of other metallic multi strands but I am having a hard time deciphering luster because of my inexperience and their light box conditions. If you guys want I can post the photo here for your thoughts but for now I feel like I will be returning this instead of making an exchange because although the other pearls in this necklace are gorgeous it bothers me a little that not all of the pearls are actually metallic, and they look somewhat out of place especially since they are bordered by the best pearls and are in conspicuous places- not concealed by the neck. At the same time it is growing on me so I am really! I don't want to burden customer service all that much.
AAA left, Freshadama right (indoor)
AAA left, Freshadama right (outdoor)
Freshadama left, AAA right (outdoor)
AAA, Freshadama, multi (indoor) on the metallic strand, a low luster pearl is above my personal favorite pearl
AAA, Freshadama, multi (outdoor)
metallic multicolor (indoor)
metallic multicolor (outdoor) look at those colors!
low luster pearl 1 bordered by two metallic pearls (indoor)
low luster pearl 1 bordered by two metallic pearls (outdoor)
low luster pearl 2 bordered by two metallic pearls (indoor)
low luster pearl 2 bordered by two metallic pearls (outdoor)
Photo Heavy Freshadama White, AAA White, and Metallic Multicolor Drop Necklaces
1) white 16" Freshadama with silver rose overtones and yellow gold fishhook clasp
2) white 16" AAA with yellow gold filigree clasp
3) 18" metallic multicolor drop with yellow gold ball clasp
(all from PP)
Below are some photos of each strand indoors and outdoors with skin tone comparisons. I think the Freshadama overtone is too rosy on my arm, what are your impressions?
I also noticed that the knots of the AAA strand seem to be larger making the pearls farther apart than on the Freshadama strand.
There are a lot of great metallic pearls on the metallic strand with crazy orient and color shift, but they are mixed with pearls of lower luster that I don't really consider to be metallic luster, at least not when next to these great pearls (context matters = understatement). I'm not sure if the photos adequately showed this but I put the AAA and Freshadama strands next to the metallic necklace and these "low luster" pearls (showing two in the photos here) seem to be less lustrous than the AAA.
I asked PP customer service for some photos of other metallic multi strands but I am having a hard time deciphering luster because of my inexperience and their light box conditions. If you guys want I can post the photo here for your thoughts but for now I feel like I will be returning this instead of making an exchange because although the other pearls in this necklace are gorgeous it bothers me a little that not all of the pearls are actually metallic, and they look somewhat out of place especially since they are bordered by the best pearls and are in conspicuous places- not concealed by the neck. At the same time it is growing on me so I am really! I don't want to burden customer service all that much.

AAA left, Freshadama right (indoor)

AAA left, Freshadama right (outdoor)

Freshadama left, AAA right (outdoor)

AAA, Freshadama, multi (indoor) on the metallic strand, a low luster pearl is above my personal favorite pearl

AAA, Freshadama, multi (outdoor)

metallic multicolor (indoor)

metallic multicolor (outdoor) look at those colors!

low luster pearl 1 bordered by two metallic pearls (indoor)

low luster pearl 1 bordered by two metallic pearls (outdoor)

low luster pearl 2 bordered by two metallic pearls (indoor)

low luster pearl 2 bordered by two metallic pearls (outdoor)