First attempts at silversmithing


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
Here are the fruits of my first attempts at silversmithing for about 25 years.
The pearls are glued onto the shank and the central spike which is soldered right through (via a drill hole)
I've been test wearing mine for about ten days so far and the pearl has stayed put which is the main test!
The shanks are sterling silver. The shank is soldered with medium and the spike fixed in with easy solder
I had forgotten how to charge the polishing mops with oil to put on the lustre and rouge and used far too much so when I switched on a fine spray of heating oil went all over me in one direction and the wall behind on the follow through.
The only other problem I had was identifying the solders since I hadn't marked the grades on them
I am quite pleased that I remembered the processes (sawing, soldering, polishing etc)
Now if only gold was a bit cheaper!
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Lovely rings Wendy, simple and elegant :)

DK :)
Yes, congrats. from me, too, Wendy.
Nice work ! :)
Beautiful work Wendy! And the way you've photograph them make them all the more magical!
I really like those, you did nice work. What's your next project?
Thanks to all for kind words. I have made more of the same as I am at a three week market next month. No time for any new and creative stuff until after that.
I seem to have spent the last week hunched over the keyboard uploading new stock. the excitement palls after a while.....