Fiji J Hunter pearls Savusavu


That blue/green Keshi at about 7-o-clock and the brown at about 2 look amazing (as do the rest of course ;)
Sorry should be IFREMER - French Institute for oceanic research / exploitation.
Very well respected.

Will get more pics of pearls being harvested and graded. Hope you are all well.


Thanks for the quick response as I imagine you are quite busy. The keshi are fun...analogous to a treasure hunt. Who wouldn't like a bonus pearl?!
After lunch - peek into techs harvest bowl.
And then you get that one pearl who just has to be different.

That is what i love the most about our Fiji Pearls - they are just so different.
Here he is all alone - actually he has a couple brothers and sisters... but not quite like him.

I love the colors. Will you be able to share the special pearls/colors with us when they are sorted? I'm really curious about the range of possible colors vs the tahitians that we usually see.
A peek into the harvest basket after lunch ... in Fiji? ... how amazingly lucky are we ???
The little "different" wild child is adorable :) Thanks, Justin!
We have been harvesting along. Our round % is not great, but colours coming pretty strong.
We just harvested re seed, I love big baroques, this is the big of the harvest. that's 18.9mm and then too big for teclock!
Not perfect "black smudge" on back side - hoping it might just rub off in spin.

After spinning with salt - my wife takes home the pearls and starts breaking them down. She starts taking pics and playing with stuff. She sent me this picture this morning.

I got a really cool story and video I will share in the next day or so.
We will definitely get pics of the entire harvest - colour separated. It is very difficult to see variations in colours and tones till they are separated out. I do notice the interest and views and somewhat overwhelmed how much interest is out there.
Thank you.
@Justin can you PUULLLEEEAAASSEEE set aside a small batch for the Pearl-Guide ladies to purchase?????
Now that we are really and truly going through the harvest I can get more shots?
Its rather interesting as very very few people have seen our product - and see it in all states of production and entirety. - I will show the bad too.
As I said round % a little low, circle % high this harvest. - this is a bad thing.
but,.... remember how I said our circles seem to have an intensity that you just don't find in other shapes.
Well here's a couple shots that just came from my wife - we are pretty happy with "Fiji Colours".
FullSizeRender 2.jpg
Enjoy -
They are stunning, and lots of Pearl-guiders love circles. They're so interesting! Thank you for sharing.