Fiji J Hunter pearls Savusavu


Jul 25, 2008
I visited Fiji Savusavu in August, we had a wonderful time there, one of the best holiday ever. A big thank you to Justin and Leanne Hunter who took a lot time and too us on a tour of the hatchery, the farm and showed us their latest harvest. Justin told us many interesting stories about their pearls, pearl farming and industry tidbits.

I was a bit overwhelmed with indecisiveness trying to pick a couple of beautiful pearls, too many different colours to choose from and not enough real life pearl buying experience. I want a colour unique and representative to Fiji J Hunter pearl. I picked up a pendant, a bronze colour that reminded me of antique Chinese bronze, I asked Leanne for her expert opinion, she commented the pearl has crazy colours (sounds good so far), then she chose another pearl with some blemishes but with a similar gorgeous colour appropriate for a ring, lastly I picked up a chocolate keshi with strong lavender overtones for another ring. I am now lamenting over the bright pastel pistachio that I passed up on.

Based on this experience and to get more out of the visit, I definitely need to increase my understanding on pearl grading, types, develop a 'pearl eye' so I could pick out beautiful pearls. The best way to learn more is seeing and touching many more pearls in person.

Apart from acquiring a few gorgeous pearls from the visit, I developed a deeper appreciation for pearls, especially the Fiji pearls, and the process of learning the difference between Tahitian and Fiji pearl colours, from confusion to a better understanding of the difference between the two.

Thank you to Jeremy for putting me in contact with Justin, we definitely learned and saw a lot more about Fiji pearls because of you. :)

Here're some photos of the pearls, my photos aren't the best but it was a lot of fun putting together the collage series for my fellow Pearl Guide buddies.
Outside the Savusavu store and studio, Justin holding a pastel baroque strand, a close up of the stand and Leanne's Gellner Jelly ring with a bright green Fiji pearl.

Rounds, chocolates, a series of three gorgeous large pearls more typical of Tahitian colours, greens/pinks/gold pearls, and a trio of the pastel colours.

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Third last photo.

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Those muticolor keshis are outstanding!! How much was he asking for that strand, if you don't mind? :eek:
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Wow, ok, thanks. It truly is beautiful.
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Thank you so much, kelluvpearls, for your trip report and your beautiful photos. Such gorgeous colors. I would have been all over that cranberry keshi. Gah!
It warms my heart to hear about your trip and to see those photos. You will never forget it. Thanks.
Thank you pattye and GemGeek, I loved sharing the photos with you all. I'm a pearl novice and if I knew more about colours and shapes I could have taken more interesting photos.