UAE Pearl farming
UAE Pearl farming
Hi there Jeremy,
I wanted to chime in here as I've been looking into the new pearl beds that are cropping up in the UAE.
It's been very hard to find any really robust or useable information but luckily through having a passion in scuba diving and a fear of running into Bull sharks I discovered a few "pearls" of information from some of the local dive shops here.
I was down at my local dive site at the Jebel Ali resort and spa which you can see on the map here:
I was speaking with the local dive master there and he mentioned yeah there are pearl beds just off the shore there that the local hotel chain is using for a pearl diving experience here
His view was that he was not impressed at all by the operation as it was attracting some unwanted big marine life, namely several 2 metre Bull sharks who were coming into the shallows to take a look as they are naturally curious and the parasites that are attracted to the oysters were attracting some interesting fish - basically altering the food chain a bit.
Ok so long story is there yes there a several pearl beds for tourism use popping up in 2m - 6m water with added Bull Shark to for the "Surprise" effect for the unsuspecting tourist. But there are several deeper beds at 40 metres further off shore. I questioned that as that seemed excessively deep, what is average depth for salt water pearl growing?
In terms of local licensing I'd say there is no way to enter into a business like this unless you had a local partner as co-sponsor and then the land rights for pearling would belong to the goverment so honestly I have no ide what so ever but do know it must be possible if people are doing it.
Every Emirate might have different "Freezone" laws e.g. my company is based in a Freezone allowing us to operate without sponsor or partner but only within those confinements - we can't ship or trade outside of there so our business is selling to our retailers who do have a local sponsor.
I do think it would be worth checking with the as they would be able to give a better idea.
Exciting idea though, very as labour would be extremely cheap here as well as warehouse facilities etc.
Any updates on the local laws?