More Majoricas!
I love, love, love Majorica and have a pretty large collection that I've accumulated mostly over the last 5 or so years. There are so many reasons I love them.
I think a lot of their designs are fantastic, and are something I don't really see in real pearl jewelry. I mostly go for the modern designs, but also have a couple pieces that would be considered more classic.
I love the quality and that they look as if they could be real, but I don't have to worry about getting mugged when I'm wearing them. I live in Chicago so yes, that's a real concern! Not just in pearls, but even in other jewelry I have a lot of "fakes" that are just like my "real" pieces, that I use if I'm out by myself riding the subway, etc.
I also really love the way they are made. In another phase of my life, I was a glass bead maker. While I doubt that all Majorica beads are made on a torch the way they show on their YouTube channel, the fact that it's a possibility resonates with me as a former glass worker.
My Majorica habit is entirely the fault of my husband. In 2000 he went on an overseas business trip. We'd only been married a couple years at that time, and he still felt he needed to bring me a present every time he went somewhere without me.

On that particular trip his work kept him busy the entire time so he didn't have a chance to shop and ended up buying me a set of Majorica bracelets from in-flight shopping. I already liked pearls - had some and used FWPs a lot in my jewelry-making - but had never seen or even heard of Majorica. I fell in love.
I wore those bracelets a lot for a few years. So much so that the elastic has gotten stretched, especially on the white one. I haven't worn them in years, only because I tend not to wear bracelets much any more. I got them out again shortly after I joined this forum and was really impressed with the colors on the darker pearls. Most of my Majorica pieces are white beads, so I don't know if the current darker pieces show this amount of color variation.