Faceted Tahitian pearls?

StarryPearl the man who started this in Japan was a diamond cutter and polisher before he started experimenting with pearls. I am not sure how he does it, but his skill comes from his diamond work. I've seen similar versions from mainly Chinese vendors at the Hong Kong show, but I've not seen any that really look the same. They are still interesting and sometimes beautiful, but it's just a different product.

CortezPearls who faceted the Cortez pieces you found at Inhorgenta?
Those Cortez pieces were made for Kira Kampmann of Marc H'arit (hope I wrote it right). She was very proud to present those to me...she told me they had been done in Japan, but if she told me who did them, I have already forgotten it :(
Exactly, my technique was to keep the pearl in place and then using a tool (basically a handle with a small scalpel on the tip) I would just slice away layers of nacre, trying to create facets. I just wanted to see if this was the way it was done. If I had used diamond-tipped tools it could have been better. It was not hard to "slice" layers...pearls are soft!
They are really beautiful. Kira is an amazing lady.

Here's a full strand of faceted Tahitians. The pearls are big, but it appears they were heavily marked before the faceting. That makes sense though, because a fine strand of this size could cost more than they are asking (nearly $30,000) for the faceted version.

Faceted Tahitian Necklace
Yes indeed, and one would never touch Gem grade pearls...I mean, why would you?
But using B grade pearls you do end up having a great looking product...it's the workmanship that you are enjoying :)
Those Cortez pieces were made for Kira Kampmann of Marc H'arit (hope I wrote it right). She was very proud to present those to me...she told me they had been done in Japan, but if she told me who did them, I have already forgotten it :(

I have been looking at the webpage of Marc'Harit but they unfortunately only sell to jewellers and goldsmiths (it would have been perfect otherwise as I am located only 3 hours drive from them). I assume the one who had faceted the beautiful pearls, is not the one previously mentioned in this thread? I have e-mailed them but have yet to receive a reply (and I fear their pearls will be too expensive for me).
Maybe you have a goldsmith friend that could buy for you? Just an idea!
Marc H'arit had lots of Tahitian faceted pearls too...let me share a photo of the ones I saw last time...
Faceted Tahitians de Marc Harit.jpg
Wow we are front row to see more and more amazing faceted pearls!! Jeremy and Douglas, are these (in #23 and #26) also cut by Kazuo Komatsu? I can't help wondering how many pearls he can cut per year to commercialize... Just found his(?) factory seems also cut some gemstones: https://www.facebook.com/komatsucuttingfactory/ And found another website with interesting cuts (and paint), see the soccer-like pearls :lmao:? http://www.facetedpearl.com/

CortezPearls , thanks for the detailed description. Now I am intrigued... again. I will try that... one day! Do you have any picture of your cut piece to share?

jshepherd , thanks for your reply. I heard of that history about him - isn't he talented to even think of using diamond cutting techniques onto pearl cutting? Those are at the two ends of the hardness scale in the gem world. I searched on Youtube to see how a diamond is cut, and I think I guessed it right. :18:
Maybe you have a goldsmith friend that could buy for you? Just an idea!
Marc H'arit had lots of Tahitian faceted pearls too...let me share a photo of the ones I saw last time...
Unfortunately I don’t know any goldsmith. I saw that Marc’Harit had some retailers where I live so I assume the can get pearls from them. Thanks for sharing the photo, these faceted ones are amazing!
Maybe you have a goldsmith friend that could buy for you? Just an idea!
Marc H'arit had lots of Tahitian faceted pearls too...let me share a photo of the ones I saw last time...

Wow this picture has me lusting after the faceted pearls! Such amazing colors and shapes and luster!
Douglas, those faceted Cortez pearls are really beautiful!
Could you try to repost this lilliefuzzysocks ?
I think it did not work out. Thanks!
These faceted pearls are so fascinating. What a great use of blemished pearls! I would love to have the opportunity to inspect one closely. Also keen to know how well the faceted pearls last with wear. Normally the sharp edges created by faceting can be fragile and prone to damages.
Posting a photo of the strand that lilliefuzzysocks shared a couple of posts ago for instant gratification ;)

I would believe that faceted pearls could have a very good lifespan echo but yes, the faceted edges may be prone to damage over time so I would be extra careful in cleaning them after use and in handling them, but they are sure pretty!
Thank you Douglas.... There are others on esty also. I would think they come in many qualities so better ones could be purchased.
A very good find!