Extreme graduation Lavender strands


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
In response to IcyJade's request for photos of these strands I dove into my bags and dragged them out . I'm glad I went searching as I found so many things I'd forgotten about ...multi ripples ..Tahitians..multi Edisons ...big lumpy flat white rectangles..( saw some a few days ago in a photo by Betty Sue King . ..so they must be cool :cool:) ..all in all a reminder that I should do something with all of this stuff .

For scale ..the little oval earrings are 8.5-9

Nothing terribly pricey but I thought they were pretty .... I likd the various shades rather than perfect matches ..
So IcyJade , my dear , as requested..

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Oh my! I didn't see any like that. I can imagine the PMs flying. ♡
Katbran, those are really pretty and fun...makes me think of spring. But what I adore are those earrings! Really wonderful design. For those who might not be aware, our Katbran makes some fabulous sterling jewelry. I have a bar necklace and pair of earrings of hers that I absolutely adore. She is a perfectionist when it comes to the details...and she has inspired me to begin working with metals (I have moved beyond simple soldering).
Katbran what is the link to your store? Real curious about the stuff you make.
Thanks Pareltje , Hanadama, MSC and Gem Geek for the lovely remarks - I thought they were very pretty when I bought them even though I figured stringing would be ...interesting..lol

JP- you are so sweet ! Thanks very much for your very kind and generous words ! And you have moved beyond soldering ! Well done ! It's good fun isn't it .....there is a never ending list of equipment I'd love to buy but can't justify lol But truly you give me far too much credit ..I stick to very simple designs and leave the true Silversmithing and artistry to someone like LadyD ! I know my limits lol

Kalmen - I do have an ETSY store that sellis in Australia only but it's only just getting going. At the moment it's basically more ' assembled ' items and I'm only just now working in my silver and pearl pieces. I've been thinking to add in a loose pearls section as I have more stuff than I could possibly be bothered to work on ...omg I'm so lazy . Lets face it ..I like buying things more than making them ...hence the bags of pearls.
LOL, Kat, I can commiserate with you on that one! I've got tubs of beads and never any time. My torch is still sitting unassembled, but I managed to get my tanks filled. Perhaps by the end of the year...
Wow, I love these necklaces Katbran! They remind me of the awesome large bib necklaces that I love to wear. Would love a link to your Etsy store once you are ready!!
Thank you for posting! These are lovely. Especially like the innermost strand.
Ha ha..that's exactly how Pearlescence started all those years ago, katbran. Be careful! Agree, those graduated strands (lavenders and also all white) are lovely, very bridal and bridesmaidal (?)) but knotting the tiny sections is a total fiddle pain. I'm always temped to skip and do one knot every few pearls instead of every single pearl
Thank you all for your lovely comments ! They are really pretty pearls and as one would suspect , a complete and total pain to knot ! Lol
Pearly White - thanks , I love this simple look and the little pearls are gorgeous!
Wendy gets the credit for sending me down,the earring path ! I'd been making Sterling earrings but for some reason was resisting pearls ... I finally listened to her lol. Thank you Wendy !

Wendy - you are correct ..you cannot knot between tiny pearls . It looks terrible as the knots are half the size of the pearls. I think you have to just let long sections go without knots. Since it's short you wouldn't have quite the same threat of breaking what would exist in a longer one. I've knotted at the clasp and the end pearls as usual and then again about an inch down from the clasp and then down at the lavender. Only took about 3 hours lol

As for your warning about the path I might be on...no worries there ! I'm a committed Pearl Dilittante! You know me ...I buy a few things here and there that catches my eye or that someone has requested. Things that might become useful in some project down the line . Then they go in a bag and sit in my cave with all my other bags ...safe and sound ...and mine ....alllllll mine ..... :D ( need a dragon picture haha)
For my new graduated triple, they are unknotted except for the last 3 pearls at the end. PP told me that they typically don't knot graduated strands. Also the Japanese vendors don't typically knot between every strand and I was told that it's not the norm to knot between every pearl for them. Oh and that I shouldn't be concerned re the pearl nacre wearing away too.
Not sure how I missed this!! Lovely indeed (Thumbs Up).
Great Job KB, What size are the tinies here?
I need to do a tiny necklace and I don't look forward to knots between all the little pearls.

In response to IcyJade's request for photos of these strands I dove into my bags and dragged them out . I'm glad I went searching as I found so many things I'd forgotten about ...multi ripples ..Tahitians..multi Edisons ...big lumpy flat white rectangles..( saw some a few days ago in a photo by Betty Sue King . ..so they must be cool :cool:) ..all in all a reminder that I should do something with all of this stuff .

For scale ..the little oval earrings are 8.5-9

Nothing terribly pricey but I thought they were pretty .... I likd the various shades rather than perfect matches ..
So IcyJade , my dear , as requested..
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