
I did go thorough the previous posts and checked the link (thanks Pearl dreams :) ), but I quess still missed the info if the exotics were just polished or also luster treated this time. Only exotic fw-s I've seen in person, were a little baroque type earrings in a shop in Stockholm. So I'm really interested if they come naturally like on the PP's photos.


Where in Stockholm was that shop? :D I only see pretty bad shops in and around Stockholm that sells either cheapo freshwaters/overpriced akoya or really posh shops that sells super overpriced south seas
Hi Mervione!

Hard to say where in Stockholm the shop was :). It was about half a year ago and we were looking a different kind of jewelry shop... Defenetly in the city shopping area, I think in the area with the more expensive brand shops. They had a lot overpriced akoyas (and not that pretty), not south seas though :D

Just PM-d you :)

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Hi Gail,

What colour did you choose? Can you please post pics.


Sorry, not able to post pictures right now but I have lavender w/ copper overtones and yellow/gold w/ pink overtones. They're actually bigger and prettier than I had expected.

Still totally in love with the gold triple. However, they would just about pay for my books for school for fall. Funny thing is I'll probably spend just as much time staring at those books as I would the pearls. Different benefit though. I'm gonna miss those pearls. I look at them every day. Sorry about what that does to your percentages Jeremy.

Sorry to hear about that, I think school books are too expensive! I just coughed up about 100 usd for a really basic computer book, and it doesn't even have a hard cover! And it's about 250 pages thick, so not very thick either.

In total I've paid about 300 usd for my books this term. :( The good thing is that I will sell them when I'm done!
I totally hear you guys re: the books. Luckily, I'm done with my course work and moving into my preliminary exam phase so I don't have to buy any books this coming fall. However, I used this to justify the $122 expense on buying a 2001 edition of The Book of the Pearl. I do have some guilt over the purchase but not so much that I didn't go ahead and do it!!! Kate
Thanks Mervione and Pearlcat:
Appreciate the commismeration. Somebody I know just spent $400.00 for ONE BOOK. At least I haven't had that yet.
Best of all I can tune in to my friends here and look at pearls when I need a break.
The discipline part comes in when 10 minutes is up and it's time to go back to study.
"Okay now, breaks over....breaks over...." It's always tempting to look at "Just one more pearl".
Hi guys,

Talking about school books do you all know about the store "Half Price Books" (in USA). I was there today and they said they carry textbooks - used I think.

Hi guys,

Talking about school books do you all know about the store "Half Price Books" (in USA). I was there today and they said they carry textbooks - used I think.


Oh great! I already have a book problem. If I won the lotto, I would disappear to spend the rest of my life reading. ;)
Hi GemGeek,

Very funny!!! I buy a lot from Half Price Books and use Amazon.com as well.

I so feel your pain on textbooks. It's a difficult thing to swallow and I've always done better if I can own a book and haul it around instead of checking it out from the library. I've kept most of the literature but sold a lot of the technical ones since they are out of date pretty quickly.

Another place for textbooks - they sell some but not all their stock via amazon is powell's books here in Portland. They have a technical bookstore which is full of amazing troves of old geology and gemology books as well as computer related, engineering of all sorts, etc.. Here's their Google maps result:http://maps.google.com/maps?q=powell's%20technical%20books&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl

The main store at Powell's is also worth a call for many areas including all literature (includes many foreign languages), language, philosophy, some science and design: google maps again, I recommend this store for your starting point on queries http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=powell's+city+of+books+burnside&near=Beaverton,+OR&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&cid=0,0,16191433936247649415&ei=YFebSsr5LoLesgPn7u2UDg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1
Well, I got them! And they are HUUUUUGE! And just flat out gorgeous. I have enough of a selection of various pearls now to know, nothing will ever come close to these. I'll try to get pics put up, but the pics at PP are far finer than anything I could do, (and my camera batteries are kaput right now). I will say they are a bit lighter than the picture indicated, which is actually good. I was worried they might be TOO colorful, but they are truly a light gold color with just a hint of pinky,coppery on top. Sigh...how can I WEAR them?? I can't see my own ears!! I now LUST for a strand of these. I am now officially declaring Jeremy et al, as minions of Satan, tempting the weak and unsuspecting.
Congrats ksinger3!
I am so tempted!!!! But I shouldn't give in. :)

Waiting to see pics from everybody.

I now LUST for a strand of these. I am now officially declaring Jeremy et al, as minions of Satan, tempting the weak and unsuspecting.

Folk music adapts to the woes of the era, and recognizing this, I submit the following:

"There iiiiis a house in Los Angeles,
It's caaaalled Pearl Paaaradise.
It's been woo-in many a previously casual pearl consumer,
And now, we know, you're one."

Third line might need a little work if anyone should actually want to sing it...
I just got my first order of exotics from PP today!! I am waiting on my golden colored ones, but my pale lav/copper ones came today and they are gorgeous. New to the forum and new to serious collecting pearls (I describe myself as clueless but learning :) ) so these were a big surprise to me.

My pics suck and don't do these justice, but here you go:

