Etsy The Pearl House


New Member
Mar 30, 2017
Is The Pearl House a Trusted vendor, someone recommended them, I just bought 1 loose AA+ Tahitian. It's my first Tahitian and I just wanted to know if this is a trusted shop? The pearl was $50.00, its 13 mm in size. It's going to be my one stand out pearl on my freshwater pearl necklace...Is it okay to put one tahitian on a freshwater necklace?
It's the dark and I asked for a brown so it'll match the FW's and the silk string is pink and I have a lovely bronze flower box clasp. using Griffin silk size 1 thread.
Thank you everyone for all the pearl information, still new but learning
I've purchased many a pearl from The Pearl House. Jac has lovely pearls but you get what you pay for. As far as putting a T on a fwp strand, yes, you can do anything you want. There are no rules in pearls, which is why they are wonderful! Please share pictures when you're done with your project!
I just last week received some amazing peacock circled baroques from Jacques. And more goodies are on the way! He has a very good reputation here.

Sounds like a great combination that you're planning! Pics, please!!!!!!
Chartreux, welcome ... that sounds like a plan for an intriguing and lovely necklace! Hope you'll come back and share it with us.
I agree that Jac is a good company - I've bought lots of pearls from him. I also agree that you get what you pay for.. so if you want a decent quality you need to go with AA+ or preferably AAA. But his photos are accurate .

I love the idea of a single Tahitian with the freshwaters ! Do please post a photo when you have finished your creation .. or you can go to the Beaders Club section and show your rough draft if you're not sure...lots of pearl stringers there !
I agree with Katbran, Jac's higher quality but mixes AA+ and AAA are nice, especially in the lots sorted for special colours. I especially love his circled peacock Ts.
Been eyeing a few pairs of t earring pearls...He shows a row of pearls with up to 15 pairs all numbered. Yet each # pearl can be ordered in more than one pair so he has alot of pairs in that size color so its not the pearl in the photo. Was not sure if I picked a pearl with a nice smooth skin & luster if I would get one exactly as nice....I wonder how can he have so many matched pairs in such subtle color differences...If I see a purple center tone with green halo that's what I would want. His pictures seem to be very good.

Might pop & get a small pair to AA+ AAA for about $175
You could set them on to your findings, and replace the cracked pearl. That would be a great repurpose for those. Just be sure that you measure whatever finding you want to have the earrings set on, if you're going to have the pearls drilled. It won't do any good to have a too small drill hole for your peg! I find that depending on the finding, the peg sizes can vary widely...I've seen them up to 1.2 mm which means that the drill hole needs to be slightly larger. You don't want too large a hole, because that will be more difficult to get a good set for your glue/epoxy.
Camelot - The OceansCove etsy shop actually has some earrings that sound like what you're looking for, already set.

I purchased a number of pearls from different lots from Jac and find them just stunning! very colorful and lustruous ( if that is a real word:-)
His pictures and description are quite accurate, I have both AA+ and AAA, the colors on the AA+ ones are just so spectacular that I do not mind that the surface is not perfect. Most of the AAA ones are completely clean, there is only one matched pair where one pearl had a few spots and the other was blemish free... I took some pics because I just love looking at them and studying them under different lights...and to demonstrate the differences in lots and colors...
The first pic is of AAA pearls.
They are indeed lustrous, and colorful as well-- I especially like that last photo where you caught the overtones.
You could set them on to your findings, and replace the cracked pearl. That would be a great repurpose for those. Just be sure that you measure whatever finding you want to have the earrings set on, if you're going to have the pearls drilled. It won't do any good to have a too small drill hole for your peg! I find that depending on the finding, the peg sizes can vary widely...I've seen them up to 1.2 mm which means that the drill hole needs to be slightly larger. You don't want too large a hole, because that will be more difficult to get a good set for your glue/epoxy.

Jac just says half drilled on the earrings.

I have not had the heart to soak the "gold SSP" in attack & have not even ordered it yet. I half heartedly tried very hot water but nothing.

I wore them today & if you position the chip under the pearl or in the back you can't see it. Since I don't even know for sure what the metal is & half of Ventura Blvd is also stumped I will probably wait before having pearls set on the mounting but you are right I need to know the thickness of the post inside the pearl. The post is threaded & standard 1mm but not sure what is in front of the mounting.

I figure if the current pearls are 9 to 9.2 mm I should be ok with probably 8.5 to 9.5 as the pearl cup is a decent width.

I don't think I want 10mm anyway...Have that & I feel its a bit big.

I'm a bit hesitant about ordering & not knowing if all the pearls under a certain number are really close to the pair pictured.
I've purchased quite a few of the smaller (8mm) dark mix circle Tahitians from the Pearl House which were good value and I've found them to be great quality for the price with only minimal pits/blemishes. He has them listed as AA+. Making a rope of 8mm Tahitians to go with 2 fatter circle/baroque Tahitian chokers I recently "gifted myself" ;) The more Tahitians the merrier. Keen to see your finished project.