Elephant Pearl



Hi All,

I would like to know what is ELEPHANT PEARL, the origin, Looking, size, weight and how to determine authenticity of the same.

Sorry we cannot help you much on that subject. A gaja-mukta (a.k.a. Elephant Pearl) would not be classified as a pearl. Elephant pearls are composed of concentric layers of 'dentine', not nacre. Also, they are formed in an elephant tusk - not a mollusk. I cannot say I have ever seen one before. If anyone has, please chime in.
Elephant Pearl

Hi Mr. Shepherd,

Is it possible if i could send you photograps of the same so that it's easier for you to evaluate. I tried uploading on this site but failed to do so. If you could provide me with any alternate address, would be of great help.

Moreover there are other stones as well which i want to test such as Blue Tourmaline. Is there any way it can be tested as i've tried hard to get them tested in INDIA and failed to do so.

It would of great help if you could suggest in this as well.

piyush said:
Hi Mr. Shepherd,

Is it possible if i could send you photograps of the same so that it's easier for you to evaluate. I tried uploading on this site but failed to do so. If you could provide me with any alternate address, would be of great help.

Moreover there are other stones as well which i want to test such as Blue Tourmaline. Is there any way it can be tested as i've tried hard to get them tested in INDIA and failed to do so.

It would of great help if you could suggest in this as well.


Hi Piyush
i am also researching on this subject. elephant pearl. i happen to see your query on the net. so now we can share informations on this subject.
my email address is phirawat@hotmail.com.

Elephant Pearl

Hi Prashant,

What info do you have in this case...? also where are you located?

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Regarding GajaMani

Regarding GajaMani

Hai Piyush and Prasant

I have seen Gajamani at an very oldest royal family.I am also interesting in this subject.

quote. hi thank u
u can post them.Those r in one a place i know in sri lanka, pls let me know what u think abt those pearls? rdo u think this is not real? let me know .
thank u
<end quote

Hi Nisha
Here is a cropped and reduced copy of a shot you sent me.


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Elephant pearl

Elephant pearl

what is the difference between gajamuktha and gajamani I have seen both the things and both are different. am I correct. clarify me.they are for sale in India . How to confirm whether they are fake or genuine tell me for both gajamuktha and gajamni. So that I can able to give you correct matter . I had the pictures of both.

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Gajamani (often also spelled GajaMani) means mala necklace of 108 beads of elephant pearls.

If such a necklace were authentic, then it would be made of totally unmatched "pearls".

Matched pearls indicates it was made by human hands.
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well I was emailed a pic of supposed elephant pearls and while the color and shape does match what they should look like, who really knows what they are. I thought i'd post the pic so people could take a look.


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Elephant Pearl.

Elephant Pearl.

Hello to everybody on the Elephant pearl forum!
This is a very antique Elephant pearl from my collection of gemstones. Is a little more than 20 cts weight and was certified by a gemmologist as a natural Ivory bead. Anybody could inform me a little more about it please? Thanks in advance.


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Very interesting article and I was not suprised at the conclusions drawn.

So far we have no authentiated examples of naturally occuring elephant pearls. They are so extremely rare we may never see one.

They are so rare that the demand for them is being met with manufactured carvings. These faux elephant pearls fulfill the desire for such a pearl.
Caitlin Williams said:
So far we have no authenticated examples of naturally occurring elephant pearls. They are so extremely rare...

I wonder if these are so rare that they actually do not exist. After all, there's an entire menagerie of mythical pearls throughout the sacred legends of several Asian religious traditions - things do not need to be scientifically 'real' to be valuable, after all. ;)

Wonder if any accounts of veterinary dentistry could weigh on the matter. Somehow, I don't have the nerve to forward such an inquiry to the relevant professional associations though :eek: ...
elephant pearl

elephant pearl

Anybody could informe me about this pearl I sent a couple of pictures yesterday? Maybe Zeide??? Please, I'd like to know a little more but no reply to my question. Waiting for your news.
Best regards,
I think the possibility is pretty small to nil.

So far I have not seen an authenticated case of a genuine elephant pearl. I think all the more so for the other plant and animal pearls- bezoars. They are mythical in purpose and use, but made by human hands.

That is my position and I am sticking to it. :p
I'd have to agree with you there, Caitlin... Some of the "pearls" that I've seen online seem to reside wholly in fantasy-land. Shall I refer to that old thread regarding so-called Coconut pearls? Lordy, how I wanted to skewer Z on that one! :cool: