I just looked at the seller's feedback. ALWAYS read the negative and neutral comments. And then browse the positive comments when there are some revised feedbacks. There were 19 revised feedbacks, which means, buyers posted something negative or neutral and the seller got them to change their comments to a positive remark. Looking through the past auctions, there were many items won for $.07- different winners, but they all won several auctions. One buyer bought 29 items, won all the auctions for 7 cents or less. If you scroll through the pages, you'll see other buyers that do the same thing.... winning lots of auctions for super cheap. The last comment the first buyer left was from an item won on Aug 7th, less than 2 weeks ago. The review is second from the newest, but I've never had anything from slow mail china reach me in 10 days or so. I wish ebay still allowed you to see more info on the buyers, but they've limited the search you can do drastically to keep sales within ebay. Ebay won't do much about the fake sellers in China. They make too much money off them. I've had ebay refund me 100% for something I bought from a China seller that was fake, when the seller did not respond to my requests. Ebay knows there are tons of fakes on their site but they don't get involved because all they care about is their bottom line.