eBay find of the day

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zeide Erskine
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Hi Everyone,

I've been reading the thread on this with some interest...Regarding that so-called art posted on E-bay: not even close to a first rate copy. Not even a good attempt at a copy. Dutch Realism is excruciatingly detailed, down to the cones and rods in a subjects' eye and renowned the world over (if a trifle boring): a good painting would typically take a few months to complete. A master painting would take up to a year or more, in that size (approx 1'6"x 2'). Rembrandt's paintings, particularly his portraits, can be seen as poignant, direct and intuitive of the character of his chosen subject. He is most responsive to color and light, and builds layer upon layer to illuminate and create the illusion of reality. The layering of oils that is typically used to create depth and richness of color is almost non-existent in the ebay painting; I could detect little to no texture from the photo shown, and the minute details that idealize that style just aren't there. The brush strokes are too quick and broad to qualify the artist as someone who wanted to spend a lot of time on that painting. The inherent value that could come from a painting like that would be solely in the "fact" that is might be over 100 years old, qualifying it as an antique. They asking price of $677.00 is a little over the top for what it is, but I have seen much higher asking prices for giclee reproductions from unknown artists.
As far as the Rotari reproduction is concerned it's absolutely scandalous! :D I love it! For an artist of that time period (thank God he's Italian or he would have been ruined lol) to paint such an openly wanton expression on her face... tres risky! Mr. Sargant and Madame X comes to mind... Love her pearl earrings, though- maybe we could bring the long drop back into vogue.
And to finish on a topic of some relevance (just to stay on top of the thread here)- I used to work for a jewelry company that would directly import Russian enamel treasure boxes depicting pastoral and familial scenes that gained quite a following. Although using them as jewelry packaging was not cost effective by any means, I can say they did catch customers' interest and provided an excellent non-aggressive way to keep jewelry lovers in and coming back to the store, to purchase "that piece I saw last time I was here"...
Hi Ashley
I enjoyed your comments. I hope you will continue to contribute. I think pearls in art is a great subject for us to follow up on.

I was thinking about remakes of movies or covers of hit tunes. Mayhaps this is an impressionist version of an old classic- a 19th century person personally revisioning the old classics in a then up-to-date way.

At $677, I think it will still appeal to some- if it is antique- Even though it is a copy, it has its own charm. I never saw Rembrandt look so friendly-they must have replaced the rods and cones with a twinkle in the eye. ;)
I just recently bought a book titled "Girls in Pearls" published by Merrell, and it is chock full of portraits and paintings depicting subjects in pearls. I'm in love with the huge pear shaped dangle earrings that Franz von Stuck painted on Salome(1906).

jshepherd said:
I think that might be a little much ;)

Ah, bummer Jeremy. Here I was with visions of the box done in red velvet with a cameo copy on top, and the interior in faux wood paper panelling. We were going to put a gold diamond pave dangle on that.

Oh well, I guess it is a little much now that I think about it.

Hi Zeidi,
I like your favorite portrait as well, and I agree it is highly idealized, albeit typified by the life-like detail inherent in Dutch Realism, you could compare it to a glamour shot! :) I also must agree that many (I wouldn't say most though) of his paintings were probably done by his pupils- it is a subject of intense debate.
I must take exception to the overrated comment, as the Realism movement/style is still highly popular today, and a gateway to the more abstract concepts of art for the beginner (such as the ebay image, which to me looks more like a practice study done for school, but everyone is different in their aesthetics). Who is to say that the Mona Lisa is not priceless? Or a Van Gogh? Could you invalidate a movement in the art world because it doesn't measure up to a solid valuing system? In all art there is a principal talent and skill; time, blood, sweat and tears (especially back in the day when most artists were poisoning themselves slowly with their pigments..), collectors recognize that and pay for it as well. We should honor those masters who have spent their lives perfecting a passion and strive to inspire the world.
As to the pearl earring (?) pictured in the painting, I hadn't noticed until someone said it was relevant... oops. :p I don't know if persuading our male contemporaries to adopt the more flamboyant fashions of the past is productive, but hey, we all love pearls and it couldn't hurt! Fashion, like history does tend to repeat itself...It would be pretty funny to Jeremy's face super-imposed on such a piece promoting modern male jewelry!
Slaep- that sounds like a very interesting book! I'm sure it's chock full of great design ideas for pearl jewelry that you could run with! I might hunt down a copy and see what's in it.. I'm trying to compile a small album with my favorite and more unusual designs dealing with pearls.
Hi Slraep
I found girls in pearls at Amazon. The cover is almost identical to people in pearls, but different author and publisher. I am sending off for it today. Thanks for the tip.
I'm just adding a pic of the painting on eBay so that the conversation is still readable after the sale is over and the page and pics on eBay are gone.

18-19th Century Oil on Canvas Man with a Pearl Earring

Beautiful 18-19th Century Oil on Canvas,

Man with a pearl earring.

Canvas stamped verso with French collector stamp:



Rue de La Michodi?re


Condition : excellent original.

Canvas size 23 1/2" x 19"

No signature found. The whole bottom area is very dark, possibly the signature is there.

Painting comes from my grandfather estate like all my paintings.

if you have any questions , do not hesitate to email. .

Buyer pays shipping

Auction in US dollars


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I just like to be able to understand a conversation when I stumble upon one that has already been discussed for a couple of pages.

Often, the references being discussed are gone (links, etc.), and it make it harder to understand the debate.

Soon the eBay page will be unavailable, and newcomers won't know what the original topic was about.

The two books are very different. Only the cover photo seems to be the same.


Thanks for putting that up. I can't stand it when there are pages of discussion and then I find that the link has suddenly disappeared.

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I can totally see a guy wearing a drop natural baroque, the more baroque the better. Not someone like my boss (strictly suits and ties), but someone with a certain panache.

I have a print of a (probably) French painting of a blonde haired girl teasing a kitten with a strand of pearls - I wonder if that is in your book, Girls in Pearls??
I don't remember any blonde with a kitten in the book.

The painting I found to be most pearl decadent is the one done by Franz Xaver Winterhalter of Tsarina Maria Aleksandrovna(1857). She is so decked out in pearls it's almost in bad taste, even for royalty.

I secretly want all her pearls though. There are strands of pearls(big ones)weaved into her hair and her necklaces are to die for.

Hi All,
I like Slraep, cant imagine too many pearls, or too large either!
By the way, did anyone we know win THE painting?
Hi Rosomane
I have a print of a (probably) French painting of a blonde haired girl teasing a kitten with a strand of pearls - I wonder if that is in your book, Girls in Pearls??
Can you post a photo of it?

I saved copies of the Rembrandt portrait to my computer.
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I saw some copies of Vermeer's Girl with a pearl earing on eBay today and they were both UGLY beyond words. So crude. This Rembrandt copy was by a talented painter in his/her own right and brought something of their talent or vision to the piece.
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Zeide Erskine said:
It will probably be a cool idea for PearlParadise as a company to pick a famous portrait of a pearl-wearing person and have it adapted to either Jeremy's or his son's features. I think his son sporting a pearl earring and a skateboard done in Rembrandt or Vermeer style would be hilarious and make a fabulous print inlaid as a center cameo on the boxes.
Well, to each his/her own, but I'd rather see a painting of Mia.
Zeide Erskine said:
Mia would be pretty, not hilarious.
My point exactly ;).

Am I the only one who has a bit of difficulty identifying the earring in the painting in question as a pearl? Perhaps I am, given my limited pearl knowledge. However, if someone had shown me this painting and it was titled "Man with an Earring," I certainly wouldn't have looked at it and immediately thought, "Wow, what a pearl!"

Now if it was an abalone pearl earring, that would be something!
I think I have to go with Mike on that one.

I am not sure if the necklace arrived or not, but I did make a quick buy decision because I was leaving town for 5 days. But I am in route back to the US now, so I will let you know if it is there when I get back.
Jeremy, is there any chance one could view it before it's cut to pieces? I'd love to see it, especially once you have the naturals identified. I live in the valley and have been meaning to make an appointment....
Is there any news on what the 5-strand necklace turned out to be?
