

New Member
May 31, 2010
I've had a look around for answers to my question but I obviously haven't looked hard enough....so.....is drilling pearls easy or is it fraught with danger? I really don't want to buy an expensive pearl and a drill just to see my money explode in my face.
We have articles on good drills. Try a search, because we have discussed them before. I think Chinese drills may not be as good as others, but I never paid a lot of attention. I know there are some strong recommendations for type of drill and maybe brand around here somewhere.
I think Sarah has a thread somewhere about her preferred drill...? I use a Chinese one, it isn't perfect, but it is more than adequate for the volumes I drill..
Yes, it depends on how much you're going to use it, and also on what type of pearls. But that is the type of drill you want as far as the style goes, I think. I got a used Japanese drill off ebay and it works great. However I had to get the drill bits and cup holders for the different sizes, and the cup holder are about 12 - 15 a pair.
Thank you! I found the Otto Frei web site a few days ago. If memory serves there seemed to be a few items you had to buy separately that added up the $$$'s. Another drill that's easily found was this one http://www.topearl.com/drill-machines-c-65_139.html. I think this one turns the pearl over so that the holes are aligned. There's a huge range of prices for this drill; $150 - $1000!
Thank you! I found the Otto Frei web site a few days ago. If memory serves there seemed to be a few items you had to buy separately that added up the $$$'s. Another drill that's easily found was this one http://www.topearl.com/drill-machines-c-65_139.html. I think this one turns the pearl over so that the holes are aligned. There's a huge range of prices for this drill; $150 - $1000!

It really depends on how many pearls you are going to drill and what type of pearls you intend to drill. The Chinese drills ($150-$300 online) work fine for small pearls, but they tend to slow down and have a difficult time penetrating larger pearls like Tahitians and South Sea.

We have one of the Chinese drills here, but because we almost exclusively drill South Sea and Tahitians pearls, we really only the grinder bit to sharpen bits.
Thank you,, Jeremy. If I had the right drill etc., do the pearls generally drill OK or can the shatter now and again? The more I think of it the more I tend towards NOT drilling anything but my wallet.
Yes, they can shatter once in a while. Akoya and freshwater can chip around the drill holes, and Tahitians (if you get one with a rock-hard nucleus) will crack if not drilled very carefully. The pearl tends to get hot and if you exert too much pressure it will crack.
most of the time pearls come to you drilled...It is harder to buy undrilled pearls than to buy drilled ones. Unless you are going to buy a lot of undrilled pearls there isn't much point in getting a drill, is there?
That being said, I like drilling pearls and haven't had a disaster yet. Though if drilling for someone else I always make clear that while I will make best endeavour it is at their risk
pearl drilling is a very difficult job and needs alot of experience..
pearls have to be drilled from the right place and with right amt. of pressure...
there is 99.99% accuracy...only on ver few occasions would the pearl break or crack..
here back in my office recently i saw 0.60mm pearls drilled..they were a beauty to watch..
wat finishing the drill had... awesome
What size drill hole are you managing for such tiny pearls? I have 2mm rounds and ellipticals in stock and they have a standard .7mm and are just about a thin covering of pearl over a drill hole.
I don't think I would like to drill such tiny pearls.
nope, chinese freshwaters - they are really tiny little dots. I have white, black, pink and peach shades in rounds and ellipticals and I'm glad someone else drilled them!
Eh? No natural pearls...
natural coloured ones a-plenty on the website but no natural pearls listed or mentioned in this thread...
After a day and a night surfing the web and this forum website. I found this to be what I'm buying for use in drilling Freshwater pearl, since I already have Foredom Flex Shaft, this seem to be a perfect bridge between the wrist buster - hand held jig and the $1k machine. Just incase anyone will find this helpful, check this out.


My order is coming next week and I am anticipating a happy drilling:D
