Woohoo!! I just drilled my first pearls. I got the bits from Otto Frei today - good Japanese ones .07mm .08mm. I was very cautious starting with a freshwater from the beader's pearls (thanks Boo for that). I then drilled through a small Tahitian keishi and then went for a half-drill on a bigger Tahitian. I know just jumping into the pool with a clue. it worked out great! I love the feeling of getting a choice, and I already know I need some other size bits, so I'll take suggestions on that. I also have to get some of the metal cups, because this machine came with only the set it had on. Any words of wisdom from anyone? Other than take it slow (so hard for me). What do I do about all the pearl dust? And I'm assuming that the bit is supposed to get hot. I did what I'd read about and drilled a little and then backed off when I felt resistance. Too dark to post a pic, but later I will. Thanks for all the advise, offers of help and encouragement from you all! I'm drilling!