Does anyone know what type these are and what their value might be?


Don't know if you're a "bow" person or not, but a length of ribbon looped through each folded end and tied can be a chic look, or use a finer ribbon and just tie in back. Does allow you to adjust the length a bit. You'd probably need a couple feet of ribbon minimum, and recommend something not too satiny and slippery that could easily untie itself. Experiment! There are pearl shorteners that can be purchased. Sometimes a brooch can be used also.
Ohh, thanks for the great ideas Pattye! I can't wait to try out some of your ideas! Thanks so much!
Look what I found!

Look what I found!

Just had to share this: I was browsing through an antique store, and found this pearl shortener! I think it looks fabulous on my pearls! I'm sure I will get so much more wear out of them with the option of shortening. Thank you all so much for your input!


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LOL... I was just looking on EBay for silver or white gold shorteners since I usually wear silver. Thanks for showing me this one, I will check out this site for sure!
Hi MC - what a find !

so glad it all worked out for you, and you are keeping your pearls
