Do these look like Akoyas?


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2019
We are considering this necklace by Tasaki, but the vendor photos are terrible and so far, I've not been able to get any better ones. They are billed as Grey pearls and nothing else. I got an opinion from Douglas but would appreciate more if possible. Thanks in advance!
I see them as lavender as well but then, are Akoyas even grey? It seems to me they come in blueish / silver, not anything this strongly grey - if I saw it as grey. A lot of the pearls also seem potato shaped but that could be the angle. I agree on the luster. With good Akoya you would be able to the surroundings mirrored in the pearls.
Yes, its a bad photo due to the will wash away many features of the pearls. It looks like a lovely necklace, but not gray and still look like FWP to me.
They may very well be FWB as Tasaki does deal in them as well as Akoya. I just want to base purchase price on what I believe they are. Thanks again Douglas!