Do Silver wires tarnish when used with pearls?

Oh, would you guys like to see it? :) Great! I would love to show it. I have just finished the crochet part. Have to add the findings. Once complete will want you guys' opinion.

I have crocheted a pearl necklace with amethyst before and the pearl didn't darken. Now, what Lady_Disdain said makes sense. The pearls in the necklace have smaller holes and since it is a necklace there is less movement and less friction. But the bracelet is just the opposite. And I thought the wire was tarnishing. :) Sorry for blabbering.

Thank you all for sharing your knowledge.

I know I would love to see it. This is a great thread. :) I miss threads like this where we can share advice.
SashiRatna, I'd also LOVE to see your pearl "needlework". I used to do a lot of fine thread crochet, and have been so tempted to try some fine wire in gold, and pearls, either in crochet or even knitting. Alas, my hands suffer repetitive stress injuries, and don't like this plan at all, so it lives in my brain and not in reality :). Looking forward to seeing your projects!
Hi Cathy,
Thank you for the vote of confidence but I am afraid it's going to disappoint. :) My project is not one of those delicate crochet projects. My mother made me some beautiful crochet stuff which I cherish. Now you got me thinking and the wheels are turning. :)

Hello ladies,

After burning the midnight oil and some mishaps, I finished the bracelets. What you see are 2 bracelets, each wrapped twice. That way I can use it on either wrist and be able to mix and match with bangles.

Cheers and stay safe,


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Your bracelets looks great. You'll have to give us wrist shots.
They look good!

It didn't occur to me until now to suggest Stretch Magic or some other elastic thread but if you find you don't like the drape of the nylon coated beading wire after all, that might be something to try.
Thank you for the kudos! It feels worthwhile and it means a lot.

About that wrist shot, I don't feel all that comfortable so, I do hope y'all will excuse me. :) And thank you for asking me and showing all this interest. Feels like I created a masterpiece. :) Maybe when I feel more comfortable. ......... later.
