DO I have a real pearl? I've done the basic test (with teeth) and seems acceptable...


New Member
May 30, 2016
I was given a gift from my brother when he was in the Navy (approx 6 years ago) and he bought me a beautiful set of moroccan style gift boxes after one of his tours. It wasn't until a few years later I looked in all the highly decorated boxes and in the smallest box was a pearl (at least I think it is!) I am not interesting in selling it as it is very sentimental but it would be lovely to know a little more background about the actual pearl. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.


I can't speak to the nature of the pearl, but those boxes are wonderful...and to find a pearl in the smallest one is special. I would look for a suitable mounting for the pearl (regardless of whether or not it's real) and wear it as the treasure it is...a wonderful gift from your brother!
Thank you so much for your reply. I hadn't thought of mounting it but what a lovely idea. Thanks again.
Thank you for your response - its good to know what sort of pearl it is however small! I shall keep and perhaps mount as a ring!
Wow it's beautiful. I love the gorgeous drop shape and colour. The boxes are also very lovely!
That's lovely! What a sweet gift.