Did you get your exotics yet?

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I can't believe that 3 weeks ago I knew nothing about pearls and since then have already made 6 purchases at pearl paradise - how crazy is that - am I addicted or WHAT?!

Oh yes, it goes very quickly! In my case is started last Septemeber with an occasional mabe ring and now, as my husband says, I can already open a shop or write a book :)
The Exotics

The Exotics

Hi Pandaexpress,

thanks for the great photos of your amazing lavender pearl earrings! Oh yes, we can see you waving at us, lol. I am looking forward to the calendar, it certainly will not be helping to keep us from buying.

You wrote that you saw Casey?s pearls, did you see mine as well, perhaps?:p

What about your own exotic strand? Where is a pic of it?
How nice to be able to meet with PP:s people in person. You are a lucky guy, that?s for certain!

Don?t forget to tell us about your girl friends thoughts once the pearls arrive!
Wow. Those earrings are nice. What a way to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Happy New Year!!!

I like seeing your fingers in the reflection. That is awesome.

The calendar is so nice. I hope to get mine before Valentine's day.
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Hey Jerin - in regards to Casey's personal pearls - I didn't see them specifically - I just meant that I think all of us will be happy with our purchases in general because they are so extraordinary. They were in the midst of packaging the orders when I got there because they are rushing to ship them out to everyone so I only saw glimpses of them in their vault. I can't WAIT WAIT WAIT to get mine.
Thanks for posting the pictures, pandaexpress! Of course, now I want some earrings too, especially in the 8-9 mm size, which I really like for earrings. And that lavender color - wow! Really gorgeous calendar, too!

Perle - I think you should get the 8-9 mm Freshadama Lavendar earrings. Order today so they will come with your exotic strands! That's why I got mine - I didn't have any earrings to match with the strand. Jeremy, Mia and I examined which Freshadama color would be best and Jeremy said that Lavender would match the exotics best and he is right - when you hold it up against the exotic strand it looks great. And by going with Freshadama it shines very nicely next to the exotics since they have a lot of shine to them as well. And by using your PP pearl points (if you have any left) they will be a steal.
Yeah see that way they can match it perfectly before your exotic strand gets shipped out - you know what I mean? There's nothing like Jeremy or Mia or Kirsten's personal hand selection when it comes to this sort of thing :)
Yeah, I only managed to grab one of these - the single pieces I liked were either sold or way beyond budget. But as long as I get this I'm happy:


These are absolute beauties!

I'm not on the list. But from your link, I went through the ids to see what was available and I must say you guys are so lucky to be able to get anything! The huge round ones are gorgeous!
I got a shipping confirmation on mine! So they are coming Friday to work - yippee! I will post pics of them Friday night.
oh boy... your suggestions are all so good to get the earrings before the necklaces leave their hands that I'm also thinking of calling tomorrow and asking if they could select a pair for me.

Or... I could use it as an excuse to hand-carry my exotics and pale self out to LA to have them help me pick some out!

Direct flight to LA: $335
Lunch on plane: $10
Taxi ride to PP: $50
Gaming console for husband while I'm gone: $400
"Accidental" purchase of round tahitians while I'm there: $3100

Freshadama earrings that match my necklace AND skin: priceless (oh, and $45)
LOL gravityalwayswins! You sound like a girl after my own heart. I lust for Tahitians. PP is looking for some for me as we speak but I really want to head to L.A. to check them out myself. The colors vary so much.
Aaaahhhh My Exotics Arrived - Yippppepeeee

Aaaahhhh My Exotics Arrived - Yippppepeeee

Here are some promised pics. It's a beautiful, sunny warm day in LA today - should be in the mid-70's so I was able to use natural light to try and capture the exotic colors better. WOW they really knock your socks off - the 7-8mm nearly perfect strand I got is very shiny - so whoever got the perfect strands should be real happy. I think my favorite is the 8.5-9.5 oval gumdrop one - it's nice and 'chunky' although it has more peaches than lavender. There are some blues(?) and a couple lavenders that just are really breathtaking. The peaches don't seem to shine quite as bright but I think maybe it's the color absorbing more light and not the pearl? Anyway, I'm really pleased.

First set of pics are the 8.5-9.5 oval gumdrop multi-color exotics - can you see me waving at you all?!

Can't wait to see what you guys got - be sure to post pics!!


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2nd set is the 7-8mm nearly perfect multi-color exotics

These are shiner than the 8.5-9.8mm ones but the 8.5-9.5 are bigger and thus appeal to me in that way. Probably because it's the first non-round necklace I own.

Can you see me waving at you all?! I like the blues and lavenders on this one. They just shimmer in the sunlight.


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And here are the Freshadama 8-9mm lavendar earrings that Jeremy & Mia hand picked for me while I was at PP to match with the exotic strands. See them sitting within the 7-8mm strand?

I'm waving to you all again!

Perle I hope you got a pair too!

See how the exotics are just as shiny (in my humble opinion - I'm no expert) to the Freshadama earrings!!

The earrings look so big to me compared to the 7-8mm - whoever got the 8-9mm round exotic strands - lucky you!!!

I decided to get the white gold ball clasp even though the gold one may have been a better match due to the exotic color because my girlfriend wears more white gold than yellow gold. But I think both work fine.


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Absolutely stunning! What color and shine! Lots of lovely blues and lavenders in that 7-8mm strand.

I've given up trying to feel patient for mine to arrive!:p