Curious about my aunt's ring

Incik Boncuk

New Member
Jan 26, 2020
I'd love to know what you experts out there think of these pearls. I ask merely out of curiousity - I'm not at all interested in the value because this is not my ring and in all likelihood, never will be. (That is my hand in the photo though.) I'm just trying to learn to recognize different types of pearls by sight, like a lot of us here!

When my aunt had this ring appraised many years ago, the pearls were described thusly:

"2 round half drilled pearls are set at the center of the mounting, the larger a light gray South Seas pearl measuring 7.1mm, the smaller a pink South seas pearl measuring 5.6mm"

My question is whether these are indeed South Seas pearls? From my reading, I understood that it's not usual for South Seas pearls to be this small or in these colors. I know there can be a lot of variation but I also know (now, thanks to this forum) that many jewelers don't have a clue about pearls.

I'd love to hear what you think! Here's the ring:


Gail, it's a gorgeous ring no matter what kind of pearls! These sizes, colors and their roundness make me think more likely Akoya than SS (still saltwater, though).

Thanks for that reply, Pattye! That's what I was thinking too. If they are akoya, they would be dyed, right?

Based on the colors I was even thinking they may be freshwater. I can't remember exactly how much of a sheen they had - it's been about 3 years since I took those photos and the ring is not where I live so I can't go look at it. At the time, I liked pearls, but didn't have the keen interest in them that I do now! So I didn't pay a whole lot of attention, just thought, "Oh, pearls! Pretty!"
In recent years it's revealed that yes, darker akoya are dyed, but most light akoya pearls are bleached, then "pinked." A limited number of completely natural colors, golden, pink and a range of silver-blue are becoming available, also some unbleached white to cream, unpinked. Some gray akoya are color treated, too.
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In recent years it's revealed that yes, darker akoya are dyed, but most light akoya pearls are bleached, then "pinked." A limited number of completely natural colors, golden, pink and a range of silver-blue are becoming available, also some unbleached white to cream, unpinked. Some gray akoya are color treated, too.

Very interesting! Thank you for that information!
Do you have any better images of the pearls? A side profile would be interesting too as it would show their shapes better. Are they round or button? Does look an interesting ring. Also like the nail-polish ;-)
Do you have any better images of the pearls? A side profile would be interesting too as it would show their shapes better. Are they round or button? Does look an interesting ring. Also like the nail-polish ;-)

I don't have any other pictures, but they are round, not button.

Nail polish is Gelaze "Ruby Slippers." :)
I will have to ask her next time I visit. That will be a while, as she lives in a different country than I do!