Culturing Conch Pearls


I've been formally introduced to these charmers by 'The Mystery of the Pearl'. Only at that time the author did not have a way to tell how effective these were at making pearls...
Is this cultivation only being performed on the Queen conch? Any attempts to cultivate pearls from the Horse conch?

Are you able to control color at all?

And what about color fading in uv light? Any attempts at stabilzing the color? Or will this always be a 'night time' gem?

When can those of us who design and create get our hands on some of these lovely gems? I'm in Florida, I want some!

thanks, and congrats!

Hi Julie, thanks
So far these are only cultured in the queen conch.
Your other questions are also our questions.
I hope we can have answers for these some time soon, including when you can get your hands on some of these lovely gems.
Hello Hector -

thanks for your reply. I am very excited for you and this new venture.

Last night I read your paper on inducing relaxation in the queen. Having lived in Key West for many years, this sure gives a whole new twist on a "drunk conch"!

Best of luck to you. I (and many of my colleagues) will be anxiously awaiting the opportunity to work with these magnificent gems.
