Cultured or Natural? Salt or Fresh?


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
hi everybody! well, i'm always on the hunt for my strand of (budget) naturals! do these look like they may be natural salt water pearls? the baroque akoyas i've seen so far haven't had these shapes so i wasn't sure. and they just didn't look like cultured freshwater to me either...... i'm stumped.

oh, the strand is 16 inches and the sizes are from 3.85mm to 8.33 (i don't have these in-hand, they are on-line).......

thank you for any and all opinions! (please chime in, even the novices! it's a great way to learn!):D

- jodie -
View attachment Vietnamese Akoyas - 7.5mm (from TPO)Vietnamese Akoyas - 7.5mm (from TPO)FWCP - Chocolate and Green (from PP)002004005
They could be old cultured baroque akoyas. However, because they are not wrinkled and some pearls look ringed maybe more likely cultured freshwater?
hmmmm - yeah, that big ol' round centre pearl is the one that really threw me off (other than the odd shapes of the other pearls) some have that "top" shape like baroque tahitians but then some have that sort of "lentil" shape like naturals do..... and of course some are ringed as well so i was all over the place! (and hopeful! always hopeful!)

you can't see it very well but in one of the photos it does look as though there is an opening at one of the drill holes (you know where there is a "pimple" of nacre that gets pierced and leaves a bit of a hole when it's drilled? not something naturals would have!)

oh well...... the hunt continues........ i'd still like to hear what era everyone thinks these are from (and what they think)........ i still like them, might still buy them.......

- jodie -
I think they look rather natural. How much are they?

They could be baroque akoyas- but they do look really natural to me. If it hasn't been certified, don't pay more than a baroque akoya price.
well it looks like i HAVE to buy them now just to see what they are! lol i have pored over those photos so many times thinking "yes, yes" and "no, no" and comparing them to strands of naturals.......

they are cheap - under $100 but as we all know by now, the price means nothing (saw a strand of FRESHWATER pearls being sold for $8,000 as South Seas pearls today...... wow...... and this was not on eBay, this was someone running a real jewelry store who just has no excuse for being so unknowledgeable as far as i'm concerned.....)

- jodie -
Those are pretty pearls, Jodie, and will likely have thick nacre if they are early baroque akoyas. When you get them home, you can try "candling" them. Hold them up to a bright light or over a very bright flashlight to see if they are somewhat translucent, especially the smaller ones. You might be able to make out a nucleus, or not! I have some Mississippi naturals that are small, and easy to see there's no bead center. Doesn't cost anything!

It hurts to see the fraud going on in the pearl world, even if it's not on purpose. When one imagines the all genuine treasures one could own for $8,000~
oooooh neat! candling - like eggs! (i used to live down the street from an egg farm)

let me get a photo of the $8,000 freshwater for you guys..... they're so obvious...... pretty clasp though.......


(oh, to top it all off they are 9-9.5mm) ooops! had the price wrong - they are $9,800!!!!!
Opals and tahitiankeshis and garnets 2
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Hi Jodie, I think your first strand is a poorly matched strand of baroque akoyas - pretty good though for the price - as Dave says, well matched for lustre!
LOL! i know, crazy, right? here's the listing....... (someone has it saved on their "wish list"! now THAT i can't believe! ask all you want for something but i hope nobody is foolish enough to FALL for it!)

(i have to say, i read her description wrong - it was her in-laws who had the store, then they retired, don't know if she still has a bricks and mortar or not at this point......)
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