Crowned Whelk Pearl Thread

jshepherd said:
We just discussed a gemologist on another thread today regarding a rare pearl.

Unforunately it takes a very, very special kind of gemologist with very specific experience to grade an exotic natural. A poll would never work to determine an actual percentage but 1 in a 100 would be overly generous.

What you need to do is sit down with a natural pearl expert, someone with experience in the exotics. There are a few in New York.

The reason for my interest in the word "gem" in your previous post was because it did not really make sense. What is a "gem" whelk pearl? It is not a description one would expect to accompany a natural conch or any other natural calcareous concretion. It would lead me to assume that the individual who graded it did not really have experience or knowledge to do so. Value is so heavily placed on the value of the flame, yet who can determine what constitutes "gem" flame? You need to have someone who really knows flame and can compare it to other pieces.

Below are some examples of intense flame. You can see it under the surface. It moves as the pearls are rotated.

View attachment 2048
Two end pearls are pink and the two center pearls are pink/orange

Since we just discussed quahogs on another thread and you just sold one, I just had to include these two trifectas.

View attachment 2049

"And who are the experts ? I wandered all over NY looking for them, but nobody seemed to know anything. I worked in a Pawn Shop for 8 yrs, so i know about diamonds and gold but not this. What did Brad Pitt pay for the Pearl he bought Jennifer? And where was it appraised ?"
There are a lot of old-school dealers in New York. I know most of them specialize in cultured, of course, but most should be able to either appraise an exotic or know who can appraise an exotic locally.

Try contacting the CPAA ( Also check their member list for New York dealers (

I do not deal with any of the New York dealers personally. I am sure someone here (on the forum) probably has a few names for you as well.
Rare Conch Pearl

Rare Conch Pearl

It would be great if any of you knew someone i could contact about this Pearl. Your help would be greatly appreciated. And Thank You JShepard !
Crowned Whelk Pearl Photo's !

Crowned Whelk Pearl Photo's !

Here are a couple of pictures i just took of this beauty !
Notice the Cat's Eye Affect, No, It's not a crack...It's a Knockout !
Tell me what you think ?



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Good photos, PFCharles,

Thanks, it is interesting to see all the colors in it up close and personal.

so many pearls, so little time
pattye said:
Good photos, PFCharles,

Thank you Pattye !

The Exacting color is the photo of my fingers holding it. I also have a Oyster pearl that is very tiny i recently got from the water. It is a natural. I'm trying to get the hang of this picture thingy...i'm new, can ya tell !

Thanks again,
Charles , AKA Quahog Man
Thanks for the photo of the shell. I love the shell and it looks like the pearl has picked up the best of the shell color.

I have heard that conch pearls fade in the sun, so this one may also. I'd be careful with it.

That color is very fashionable nowadays. I hope I get to see the jewelry it gets set in........
The pearl appears to have a beautiful, rich color! If you are looking to sell it, I do know of a gentlemen who collects them. PM me and I will give you his details.
Snorkeler Finds Oyster Pearl 10-18-07 !

Snorkeler Finds Oyster Pearl 10-18-07 !

Yup ! It's me again, PearlFinder.....Tonight was something special too ! I came in with 1 Oyster for my girl ( while i was getting some Whelk ( Conch ) for dinner. She shucked that one oyster and low and behold another Natural Pearl...It isn't huge but it is another ! I'd say it measures maybe .65mm Maybe ? It looks like a miniature Snowball ! Pictures are on the way.....


This is the Oyster Pearl ( Tiny )


This is The Oyster & Pearl, Conch & Pearl


This is Oyster and Conch, Can you spot the Pearls ?

God must have a plan for me !
( A Great Thing )
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine Pearls; on finding one Pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought that one Pearl." (Mt. 13:44-46)
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Conch & Whelk Differences....

Conch & Whelk Differences....

Since my discovery of my Whelk Pearl i have dug deep to find all the information i could. I believe i have a much broader knowledge of these. Thank you also to all have helped !

Q. What is the difference between conch and Whelk?
A. Conch is a creature and scungelli is the Italian word for whelk, another creature. Conchs and whelks are often confused. Both of them are essentially large snails. Both are mollusks with one shell (gastropods, or univalves, as opposed to bivalves, or double-shelled mollusks, such as clams and oysters). The muscle, or part that is eaten, of each, resembles a foot. Both have a tendency to be tough, and are usually tenderized by vigorous pounding. The big difference — and you heard it here first — is that conchs inhabit tropical waters and live off of vegetation, while whelks generally live in somewhat colder waters and are carnivorous, terrorizing smaller mollusks, breaking through their shells with the hard knobs of their own shells, and reaching their greedy, extensible, toothy proboscises right into their victims' shells for a feeding frenzy.

The odds on finding one of the Whelk Pearls from here on the east coast is much higher than that of the Florida keys. 1 in 250,000.And in this quality is even higher. Queen Conch are Vegetarians and eat only seaweed and other veggies of the ocean. Whelks are Carnivores and eat all things that get in their grasp. The Salmon colored Pearl i aqquired is more rare that that of the Queen Conch. But i believe the bright Salmon color is because of the colder waters ,Growth factors & Diet.

Just some info :)
Pearl Finder Charles
Remember My Whelk Pearl ? Lookie Here !

Remember My Whelk Pearl ? Lookie Here !


The picture above is the exact color.

The Pearl is loose and has never been inserted in any jewelry. I did these examples of what it would look like in some beautiful pieces of Gold....Did i do good ?

Some of you asked me to set it in jewelry, i figured i'd make some images using my you get ideas. Thank you all for your help !

If anyone is interested in this pearl,contact me. I have now a Solid offer of $2600.00.

God Bless,
Pure Finder Charles (A.K.A. Quahog Man )
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Charles, it may end up being your precious family heirloom. Of course, you never know what the future will bring, so keep up the positive attitude! ;)
I like the ring setting and $2600 sounds like a great price for the pearl.
GemGeek said:
Charles, it may end up being your precious family heirloom. Of course, you never know what the future will bring, so keep up the positive attitude! ;)

If it ends up staying at home, that's o.k with me. The more i look at it , the more i like it :)
PearlFinderCharles said:
If it ends up staying at home, that's o.k with me. The more i look at it , the more i like it :)

Oh, I see you have a solid offer now. Congratulations!!!:D
That's quite the difference- and some very interesting info, Charles! Excellent job!

Q: Does the Whelk's carnivorous diet enhance the color of the pearl, and if so, to what extent?...

Q: Obviously, the colder temperatures lead to finer crystallization of organic material (well, assuming that the snail's metabolic processes slow down in cooler temps which I think is a fairly safe idea); does the colder temperature enhance the flame pattern of the pearl?

I would think that a slower crystallization process would ensure that the concretions were ultimately more transparent (and thus their flame patterns more pronounced) than their warmer water cousins... Just a thought :rolleyes:
Oops... It is as photoshop as yours. Sorry. In fact, I hope the source of the picture would either not find out or be amused :o (www . artofplatinum . com)