Creative advice needed!


New Member
Nov 28, 2007
Hi everybody,

I think this is the case when I really need a creative advice.

I have already for a while a nice necklace with large button pearls which I bought for their extraordinary orient and very high luster. Pearls are really sizable: 7-8mm wide and 15-16mm long. It is nice to look at them but to my disappointment absolutely not nice to wear.

First, I like my necklaces a bit longer, especially with large pearls (now it is nearly 17 inches with the lock).

Second, for some reason it is very rigid and pearls don't want to lie quietly on my neck, they all the time show their bad character and try to stand vertically :mad:. In fact I have an impression that knots there are too small, or that there are no knots at all. It is strange because Shoeffel is one of the most fancy trademarks in Europe and they normally don't put wrong things on the market.

Anyway, something has to be done here. I was considering several possible options:
1) just to restring it myself, making proper knots, then the necklace may became longer (but I am afraid to spoil it in the places near the clasps, now it looks so professional and cool!...)
2) to restring it and insert either tiny pearls or tine metallic rings between the pearls but I am not sure that esthetically it would be better (also the problem of metal against pearls and anyway I have no idea where to take 22K small rings)
3) to let it soak in water to make silk more flexible - but is it good for the pearls?

Can anybody advice something about it? Any other ideas?


Here is the necklace:


So pretty! I think it needs a good double-knotting so the pearls can turn and lie flat. You're right - it appears to not have any knots, or they are so small that they have diappeared into the drill holes. The pointy ends of the pearls look like they could damage the adjacent pearls right now. Any chance the maker could redo it for you so it still looks good? ;)
Hi Olga,

Really nice pearls! I agree with Blaire, either it has no knots, or they are too small. Also it is strung way too tight.

Not a good idea to soak! I don't think that will solve the problem.

It will need to be restrung. You will need to decide if you want larger knots, small pearls, or a small bead in between. I try to have the small pearls and small beads on hand to see what I like. I am sure you could do a nice finish near the clasp!

Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

so many pearls, so little time
I agree that it needs to be restrung.

So if you have to do that anyway, go ahead and
1. Try stretching it dry.
2. get it wet (you don't have to soak it) and stretch it gently.
If it is on silk, you will be able to loosen it up with one or the other method.
Dear Olmander: I agree with Blaire. Double knotting will make it more flexible and will lengthen it a bit. Since you only have 24 knots to add, it may not lengthen it enough. I would turn the points of the pearls to face each other and possibly put a small gold bead 2MM between the points. I would then knot the rounded ends of the pearls which are now facing each other. What you will then have is something which looks like pearl bows.

Its hard to see the clasp to know if it will be difficult to restring. If you double knot between the pointed ends, I'm afraid it might not be as pleasing to your eye, which is probably why it wasn't knotted in the first place.

Those pearls are much too pretty to be ignored.
My experience, unfortunately, has been with pearls (or beads) shaped long and flat, that they just do not lay flat; especially strung at the longer length you want. I have found that strung shorter and closer to the neck, they are less likely to turn. For me that means no longer than 15.5 - 16 inches. If it is more important to you that the pearls not turn, than having a longer necklace, perhaps you could take 2 pearls out and use them for earrings.

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Thank you all very much! I am now trying to think it over with so many options open.

I still think I should make it longer in one or another way because even with knots (I guess they are still needed) it will not be long enough. Now with this length it is sitting exactly on the slope of the neck and therefore turning around with every movement I am doing (I am unfortunately not a quiet one...).

I just saw wonderful designs Inge made with her exotics, this brought me to some ideas how it may be extended during restringing. Or the idea of Knotty about small golden beads looks also very attractive.

Where can one get those nice little things like beads, or little piramides like by Inge etc? I don't think ordinary jewelry stores have them... Is it all internet sources?
Amber beads could be used as spacers if you like the look and want to lengthen the necklace. Amber is just slightly softer than pearls.

The earrings I made to go with my exotics strands (see photos in Exotics thread) are made with the same type pearls as your necklace; with their extreme orient, I think they go well with the exotics. Do consider making earrings with two of the pearls. Then you could wear them either with this strand or with the exotics.
Here's a crazier idea... how about dismantling the strand and use the pearls as drops on a long (say 30-40 inch) chain? The movement of the pearls would just let their play of color rock.

Here's my role model for this one: LINK Not sure why that necklace of blue mussel shells was/is so fascinating... Pearls would not be quite so OTT, methinks - more wearable too.
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Well... this is an unexpected turn! But I really see the charm of it - thank you, Valeria! There will be something to think over in the coming days :)
H Olga,

Yes, I think online will be probably be your best resource for the beads you want.

Do you ever use ebay? ships internationally. They have no minimum. Others may have suggestions also.

Or--perhaps there is a jewelry store near you that does repairs, they might be willing to order some small round beads for you. Is your clasp 14k or 18k?

so many pearls, so little time
First of all, they are really lovely pearls, the shape is just divine.

I really think they need bigger knots, in my opinion, I would not double knot (in all the years it was very rare that I had to resort to double knotting) unless they were evilly big and there is only so many multiple strands that I would add.

I agree with Catlin's suggestion of using spacers - I think that would really help with the aesthetics, and help define a space between each pearl.
Well, here is a status-quo report.

Yesterday I tried to stretch it - first dry, they wet, it did not bring much result.

In the meantime I realised that I don't want to mix it with any other elements, let pearls just be as beautiful as they are without detracting attention from them.

In the evening I found the website of Schoeffel headquaters and sent them an e-mail with photos.

In the morning around 11.00 I already got answer from the Dutch brunch of Schoeffel, explaining that they indeed often don't make knots because in the Netherlands many ladies seem to dislike knots being seen. I was invited to send them my necklace via the jewelry shop with a promise to return it restringed and extended in 1,5-2 weeks in its best. All for free and professionally made :-).

Now it is already on its way to Schoeffel and I'll post pictures when I get it back.

Thank you all again for a brain storm, it was very helpful not only to get creative ideas but also to learn a lot of useful tips!!! :)

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Well, I felt a little silly suggesting asking if the maker could redo it for you, but you never know unless you ask. I am so thrilled for you. Now you can relax knowing it will be professionally done at no cost. And then if you aren't happy, you can change it yourself.

I love a happy ending.;)
In fact I also felt a little silly writing Schoeffel a message to nowhere (I did not think that big companies respond on such requests). So, it is also quite a pleasant surprise to me, how quickly and smoothly it all went :)

The shop could not belive their eyes either, I had to show them a printed message, which they attached to the order - just in case :)
Hi everybody,

This is just to report back: I got my collier back from Shoeffel, it was BEAUTIFULLY restringed, it indeed had no knots but I have now knots exactly the size they should be (not too small, not too big) and I love it!

For some reason making it longer is not needed anymore - not that it became much longer (just a bit, I think) but definitely just more loose and flexible.

And now, with my re-born beautiful baby on my neck, I want to thank you all for the brain-storming and giving me strength to handle it with a firm hand :D

Hi Olga,

What a happy ending, no, beginning, because now you can wear and enjoy your beautiful necklace! And Schoeffel has given excellent customer service! Thanks for sharing the story!

so many pearls, so little time
Congratulations on your "new and improved" necklace! Those pearls are soooo beautiful. Just think -- if you hadn't changed them, they might have spent most of their pearly little lives shut away in a box! ;)