Conch Pearls on Ebay


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
Hey all,

I've got some conch pearls on ebay - with the auctions ending tomorrow. Here are some images - but please take a look! Please make me an offer if there are any you like! My ebay seller name is Rachfrog too!

Cup 5.5 Earring 1L1010236.jpgL1010240.jpgL1010256.jpgL1010261.jpgL1010276.jpgL1010280.jpg
I love that pink and orange one. I remember when I was young and pink and orange together was my favorite color combination. Anyway, a marvelous pearl!
some great colors, love the pink and orange - but no solicitation please :)
Yes, I wish I had the money for that sweet elongated pearl! Someone is going to be very happy.:)
Hi All - sorry for the solicitation - I'm kinda new and didn't mean to!

I will post some more photos and listings tomorrow.
When you have pearls like yours, you do NOT need to solicit. However, you could post your ebay items for sale url as your signature, because I would like to check them out when you have them.....:) I am now soliciting you, so I think it is OK.
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The flame pattern in that third photo, the pink pearl with the orangey left side, is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
I think Caitlin meant you do not need to solicit because the pearls will sell themselves. You don't need to make any requests, just put the pearl photos out there and let people know where to look for them. They are priced fairly and are so beautiful. Really, we are never going to tire of your photos! :)
Thanks Gemgeek, I changed it. Of course, you are right, these pearls sell themselves.

Rachfrog, I never looked at conch pearls seriously before, but your array has just added another item to my pearl bucket list. Oh, my, when will this lust for pearls ever end?
When others are bidding, or even they they aren't, I like to set my final price and snipe it. Then, if it goes over my snipe, I am not tempted to rebid, but when I snipe, I usually win. Have you ever noticed that when you bid, others will bid too? I think that, so when they are no bidders, I like to set the snipe, so no one else will know I have bid onit. It seems a lot of people only bid when someone else already did. Just my thoughts......
will press the price high when you use set bidding price will be higher most of the time and last minute someone will always bid when so when the prices are low i just wait for the last minute biding war so they stay low and there is no time to go higher

you can see there is a snipe on the bidding when they start with ,99 cents and then the status says 2 bids already

there are some pretty good bidding programs that bid in the last second those seem to work pretty well only then i don't have the whole biding game ;)
I use a snipe that does not enter the fray until 6 seconds before the end. Ebay doesn't know until the very end. It is possible other sniping services do let ebay know, but that kind of defeats the purpose. I lost an abalone pearl stick pin abalone was allmost 2 inched long, byt trying to outbid at the last moment. The buyer paid about $100 dollars. I still kick myself over that one. dec 2007.
ebay lost.jpg