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Hello everybody,

What a wonderfull forum this is.
I spent the whole afternoon reading a lot of interesting threads, but what strikes me most is that everybody is so helpfull.
Especially mr. Jeremy, who goes into a lot of efforts to answer all the questions.
Reason for me to add another: I want to buy some tahiti pearls, wholesale.
Seen the fact that I can easily and cheap travel the world (ex airline employe) is it worthwhile to go all the way to Tahit or Cooks Islands (which, from Holland is really at the other side of the world) to find the best buys, or may I just as well buy some at Pearlparadise ? (honest answer mr. Jeremy)
I'm a jewellery designer and use a lot of pearls, but untill now mainly freshwater, so I know a bit about what to buy. I just don't know where to go exactly
So, I would be gratefull for any advise
Traveling to Tahiti or the Cook Islands can be a good way to go, but it honestly depends on how much you plan to purchase. If you plan on purchasing a small amount (under $100,000) you will pay a premium if you head to the islands. You would be better off buying at auction in Hong Kong or by selection from a dealer.
I guess what it really comes down to is the quantity. The way we buy in Tahiti to get the best deal is purchasing per oyster. In other words, we own the oyster before the harvest. This comes with a bit of risk, but will lower the price considerably on a good harvest.
If you would like, forward me a list via private email of what your requirements are (size, shape, color, quality, etc), and if you are willing, what your actual current costs are. I will let you know what I think your best course is.
Thank you mr. Jeremy, for your fast reply.
In your terms I only need a small amount, enough to make a few necklaces in various qualities and some loose pearls for earrings, pendants etc.
When I wrote my last mail, I was (and I'm still) in a very initial state of planning.
I will go on getting information , because I also wouldn't mind some holydays in the south Pacific, as soon as I know more, you'll hear from me.
In the meantime I hope I can come with some more questions about anything to do with pearls; there is such a lot of knowledge on this forum.....
Best regards, Marjan (dutchpearl)