Colour Through the Eyes of Everyone

I realize you need to set these in metal, but somehow it breaks my heart to have anything but these beautiful pearls on display. On the other hand, when it's set, you'll have to post another pic for us to feast our eyes on! Naughty meows? Is that like my distant relative?
I realize you need to set these in metal, but somehow it breaks my heart to have anything but these beautiful pearls on display. On the other hand, when it's set, you'll have to post another pic for us to feast our eyes on! Naughty meows? Is that like my distant relative?

Here it is!


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That comment belongs here but maybe a copy could go the 'pets' thread. What a fabulous creature. Nice picture that a chocolate cat?
Clarification on the comment, comment. Does Naughty Meows play with pearls or other valuables?
I actually love the luminescence of the mabe in the final photo - minus the wildly exotic colours of the others, it is gentle and natural and just oh so beautiful. Size? Intent for this piece?

Hello again Nerida,

The overall size of this one is: 21.5mm X 18.3mm. The size of just the blister is about 16mm X 15mm X 5.45mm (height) for a H/W ratio of about .35. A notably higher ratio than average, I would say.

Intent? W-e-e-e-l-l-l-l . . . My intent, I'm sure it goes without saying, is to sell it.:p However, I've been looking at a number of stones that I could set it with and am considering setting it as a pendant underneath a larger druzy heart--sparkly shades of grey with sinuous grooves running through it. We'll see. I'm working on a couple of others first, one of which I've never shown yet from a red abalone. As a teaser I'll mention part of what I'm calling it: Freckled Lady, Strapless Gown,... I'm accenting it with a pear shaped ruby. It should be done soon.:cool:

Oh yes, I have another mabe' from a black abalone that is a real knock-out! I hope to post a picture very soon.

Take care,
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That comment belongs here but maybe a copy could go the 'pets' thread. What a fabulous creature. Nice picture that a chocolate cat?

This cat breed belongs to a group that is called "Oriental Shorthair" or maybe it is a Havana Brown, if he/she has green eyes.
Very elegant to look at. She/he is in the right place with all those lovely pearls....
He is a wonderful cat belongs to New Zealand Natural Pearls.When I was there, cats are taking nap near or on the beautiful gems. They are jewelers cats, they seems to know what to play with or not. (Sorry about not to related from thread.)
Thanks Marc - look forward to seeing the pics...
Still in love with the cat.

Am I the only one who doesn't just flick to the "view first unread" option on this thread, just to get one more glimpse of NZ pearls amazingly beautiful work? (Must be one of the prettiest things on the forum) And Marc's lovely abalone blisters? I was about to skim over, but then thought better of it - just one more look!
Managed to get some pictures of the georgeous Black Abalone (Haliotis Cratcherodi) mabe' that I said I'd show. I think that in terms of color and irridescence this is about as good as it gets with the blacks. They truly do have a paler, creamy white background color but as for the rest--the only term I can come up with so far is "intense pastels." (If there is such a thing. . .) This one runs right through the pastel spectrum. It even has a bit of a firey orange. It was cloudy out and I took the photo's outdoors in the evening so it was diffuse natural light. No color enhancement was used. It is truly this colorful. It's measurements are: 28.5mm X 25.5mm overall. The blister is about 15mm X 13.5mm X 3.75mm (dome height) with a dome height ratio of about .263. I've made no plans for it yet. The dark black line and two black dots that show in all three photos is conciolin.

EDIT: I've been looking at this mabe' and comparing it with the photos. They simply don't do it justice. It's much brighter than these photo's.

RE-EDIT: I finally got some good pics of this mabe earlier in the day when the natural light held a full spectrum. I'll show these in the following post and you may see this mabe' in all it's glory and see the difference time of day can make in color. Taken in diffuse natural daylight. No P.S. editing. Saturation not altered.



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I had some time to take pictures today early enough in the afternoon so that the light seemed to contrain the full spectrum and didn't have the yellows etc. filtered out of it by the atmosphere. Here are the results with the second black abalone mabe'. I know--It looks too brilliant--but that's what it's like. The mabe's from the red and pink abalone can be even more saturated, though.



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Marcus- Love the colors- it's like a dazzling sunrise...

I miss having a cat- the jeweler's cat looks so sedate. Havana Brown huh? :) How exotic!

Those are just magical! Thanks sooooo much for all the great photos! I am always elated when this thread surfaces and I have a moment to look back through it again--
Couldn't agree with you more Pattye- remember the Iridescence Thread? That was so beautiful! I would go through all of the pages one by one to look at all the images members posted...
Soooo right, Ashley! That is a great one too! Who could tire of such genuine beauty????
Just for fun I thought that I'd post one of the last black abalone mabe' that I took in full sun at the same time that I took this last batch. Quite a bit of glare, but interesting. Changes in lighting can really make iridescent things look different. Thanks for all the compliments.



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I like the deeper, almost golden tone of the sun reflecting on the surface of the mabe- like iridescent amber at sunset.
This is one of my latest mabe's from red abalone. It's from the muscle scar area of the shell. I get just a few like this with consecutive, overlapping layers of nacre and conchiolin--looks like rays of sunshine or something like that. This one is particularly intense in color. The differences you see in color between the first one and the second two are caused by the angles the different photos were shot at. I also took the time to cover the back of this piece with different materials. These are: abalone; amazonite; sodalite; and fossiliferous limestone containing pieces of (pink) crinoids and other seafloor fossils.

Again, the colors in these pictures weren't enhanced by a photo editor. Processing consisted of cropping and resizing to attach to Pearl Guide.




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