Check out this hot new look!!!


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
I saw this picture and had to share:


How long will it take for hip hop artists and rappers to get on the pearl bandwagon?
I just happened to see the rapper Soulja Boy(?) on LA Ink wearing a pearl necklace and a pair of studs. I believe he is under 20 and he pulled the look of better than the pic you posted :cool:
I never liked those reality shows, now I find myself glued to them (some of the anyway): Now I am really into Gold Rush and Bearing Sea Gold. :) You actually learn a lot about gold mining and even more about how NOT to run a business!! I am also completely hooked on storage wars (love Barry!!).
We like Bering Sea Gold too! But I am a sucker for Swamp People! I wold love to see Troy from the show in some pearls. Maybe some Tahitians ;)

I live in Alaska and there are a crazy number of reality shows based here. Deadliest Catch, Bering Sea Gold, Gold Rush, Alaska State Troopers, Flying Wild Alaska, and Tougher in Alaska just to name a few:o
I'll concede that. LOL

I can't stomach Dog the Bounty Hunter. My wife has a twisted love for Toddler's in Tiara's and all of those Deadly Women shows on the Investigation channel (whatever it's called). I find both shows equally disturbing! Reality shows are ok, but I can't wait until Madmen premiers later this month. That show is just terrific.
No, "Dog, the Bounty Hunter", is the absolute, total worst!

Had an argument with my sis re whether Dog is the worst, or Billy The Exterminator. I won her over: Dog really is the WORST. Not that I've ever watched anything like that. :o