While we're on the subject of dishonesty and disinformation...
I had a phone call from a customer today wanting to know what type of pearls Mikimoto sells- Obviously I reply with "Akoya pearls", right? I start going into my spiel about how all you're really paying for are clasps and papers (which everyone on this forum knows at this point), and he interrupts me to let me know that he's found out from a source on the web that Mikimoto doesn't sell Akoyas at all!! Check this out:
This page is filled with so many inaccuracies and straight out falsities it's astonishing! And to top it off, this author is posting on a variety of topics and spewing her half-researched clap-trap

p I love that word, and must pay due homage!) all over the net for everyone to find! Worse, my client let me know that this is one of the first links that came up when you Google "Akoya vs. Mikimoto"...
So, my question is: How many people surfing the net right now are looking for a geniune source of pearl education read this author's article and come away with some very strange notions? Then, she helpfully directs people to pearl sites that don't even exist! Or at the very best are unreliable! Who pays this person??
"The best way to distinguish a true high-quality Mikimoto pearl from other pearls is to look for a unique road map or line pattern on the surface of the pearls under a 10x magnifying lens. Experienced jewelers can recognize this. On your own, you will want to find genuine Mikimoto pearls to compare with your intended purchase. Once you see the difference, true Mikimoto pearls are easily recognizable." <--- Wow! This one is a truly amazing thought... I bet no other pearls in the whole wide world will ever display actual aragonite platelets overlapping over their surfaces.
I think I will have to write this person a nice lengthy letter as well. It's just really disappointing to me that these blog sites will apparently hire anybody that can string two sentences together coherently and post this junk as truth.