Cheap E-bay Buys


New Member
Feb 24, 2014
Won this set of pearls off e-bay for 30 bucks.

Seller says they are Akoya, but I honestly doubt it. So what are these?

Size averages to around 8-9 mm.

The blister pearl makes it a good value. They are grown in saltwater Pteria penguin shells. The rest are inexpensive Chinese freshwater pearls. Looks like you could have some fun re fashioning them. :)
All the dark pearls are dyed as well as freshwater. Nothing wrong with that. They are real pearls and will last a long time. But they are definitely not akoya :) A tip is to check some of the larger websites here, such as Pearl Paradise, and take a look at what what different kinds of pearls look like at what they cost.

- Karin
Completely forgot I had even made this topic!

I showed them to my mom and she was impressed with them either way.

Thank you for all your replies! :)