Charity of the Month Featuring Pearls

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I really am looking for a creative way to give back that involves customers and I think it would be fun to have a charity of the month. We would have a percentage of proceeds from our "Charity Collection" (which is the current alias) go to a different charity every month. What are your thoughts on that idea? Do you have a better idea?

Also, what are some of your favorite charities? I am really drawn to:

National Breast Cancer
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Starlight Foundation

I would love to hear your feedback and any ideas!
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I think it is a really good idea. Although I would pick a charity that would help people in Asia, after earthquakes/typhoons/etc. After all most of the pearls are coming from here. Might be a nice way to give back a little. Maybe just via Red Cross?
Well, it may be necessary. Did you see the thread started by Bigwellpearls? YIKES! I wonder about the freshwater beds. To be honest, I didn't really read SO closely, because my fingers keep twitching to another screen right now. But so sad...
Yeah- I haven't gotten to read it all yet either, but that is just such a tragedy... When that tidal wave struck near India two years ago there was such wide-spread devastation! Every stone wholesaler that I knew immediately started collecting contributions to send overseas to help families rebuild and restore businesses.

Another charity that I really like is the Smile Train- it is oral surgery for children all over the world born with cleft palates whose parents cannot afford the procedure.
I *really* like all of the charities mentioned. They all do wonderful things.
There are a LOT of charities to choose from,

Do not forget

Runaway Shelters
Women's Shelters
World Wildlife Fund
Wildlfe Warriors
Diabetes Association
Wolf Education Research Center

This list goes on! donating to your local causes as well. even if they are small in nature but do make a difference is also a good Idea.


Happy Friday

Ash, Amanda mentioned the Juvenile Diabetes Fndn - a particular fave of mine, since my husband and son are both type 1 diabetics (as was my cat!). I also think it's worth mentioning the Nature Conservancy, since they are working on habitat restoration for N American mussels.
I think it might be fun to do a vote every month for which charity will be featured. I think donating to the Red Cross is a great idea and I have in the past. Donating to international charities is a little more difficult because I am not familiar with the quality control of where the money actually goes.

Thanks for all your feedback and ideas for new charities! These are all great ideas!
I like to see this sort of thing going on.

We are actually launching something similar this month, with a twist where we are not targeting a specific charity, simply a genre or several.

For your donation program, maybe you could put something on your Site for people to nominate a charity. Or even during checkout, people can vote or enter a charity name for consideration.
boo said:
Ash, Amanda mentioned the Juvenile Diabetes Fndn - a particular fave of mine, since my husband and son are both type 1 diabetics (as was my cat!). I also think it's worth mentioning the Nature Conservancy, since they are working on habitat restoration for N American mussels.

Hi Boo,

Great one about the Nature Conservancy! (I donate to them) ... BTW there has been a rethink about Dioabetes Type II is not just adult onset anymore. especially with the Obesity epidemic in North America. My Mom is Type II so Is My best friends 9 year old Girl and 13 my year old cousin! Seems as if Diabetes is the "New Cancer"

anyway My Whole point for my post was ther are counless ones to choose from.

I am excited to launch this program! There are so many ways we can build it. I've always wanted to have a foundation and I think this is a good start towards that goal.
jshepherd said:
For your donation program, maybe you could put something on your Site for people to nominate a charity. Or even during checkout, people can vote or enter a charity name for consideration.

Excellent idea! I like how it really encourages customers to get involved in the action! :p
Ther are so may organizations out ther that do good I wish you luck in yoru choices!


Hi All,

There are, if you Google "charitable organization ratings," a number of sites with various ways of evaluating groups. I particularly like the ones that don't have huge fundraising budgets and the money actually goes to the programs, and there are plenty.

I also have been thinking along those lines with my fledgling jewelry business, of having a percentage of each sale (say 15-20%) go to a charity of the buyers choice. They would choose from a list of local or national charities, and designate at the time of sale. Also with the idea of holding trunk shows, with the designated percentage going to a specific single charity. Personally I like the ideas of both Ashley and Jeremy, obviously it will be a bit different for each. I think the buyer would like to know the amount that will be going to the charity. Appreciate any and all feedback----I know, I still haven't posted any photos----soon-----:o

so many pearls, so little time
I wonder if these ideas could be combined with the subject covered in the thread "The Green Pearl Activists" in the "Pearling Industry News" forum. From the reports I read in the scientific media, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing in this world more important to tackle than the issue of Ocean Acidification. In fact, everything may hinge on our dealing with this issue. To see what I'm referring to, read:
There are still those who dispute the issue of global warming, but I can find no-one who disputes the fact of increasing Ocean Acidification. (If you can, then let me know, please.)
I particularly like the ones that don't have huge fundraising budgets and the money actually goes to the programs

I agree with Pattye 100%!!!

There are plenty of local animal rescue organizations with exhausted volunteers, where a $20 donation would directly translate into hay or veterinary treatment for terribly abused domestic animals.

Local spay/neuter organizations and chapters of the House Rabbit Society perform heroic deeds on a regular basis, with budgets a fraction of the size of the big, staffed charities.

The online Time article, _An Epidemic of Abandoned Horses_, broke my heart:,8599,1809950,00.html

Thanks for posting this idea!
I give to Doctors without borders for just that reason. And they are some gutsy folks.
Since China is so important in the pearl industry, I'll offer a specifically Chinese charity. Half the Sky ...

It originates in America but beneits orphanages in China, and specifically those children who are not always offered for adoption. (Many, many orphanages are not even involved in the international adoption program, thereby completely removing that option for the children; and while domestic adoption is growing, it's not nearly what it needs to be to deal with the situation created by the one-child rule.) Orphanage life is notoriously difficult, especially with the high population of baby girls and special needs children (as pollution increases, so is the rate of birth defects). Half the Sky tries to provide at least some one-on-one attention to those children who remain in an often very 'institutional' (sometimes, sadly, very neglectful) environment. Many of the adoptees to America, even those who are perfectly healthy physically, have significant developmental delays from this institutional lifestyle. This group tries to help those who will spend the rest of their childhoods there, eventually to be sent out on their own. (Quite possibly some of the same young women who will be working in the pearl farms, given the further difficulties facing those who age out of the orphanages.)

It's just a thought. It's a very respected group among the parents of Chiense adoptees.

This is their board of directors:
Author Amy Tann's husband is the president of the board.

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The Wish Fish

The Wish Fish

Hi, All,

My wife and I operate a charity that last year gave away 12,000 free wheelchairs to disabled adults and impoverished children thoughout the Philippines and Cambodia. Because we do not raise funds or seek outside financial support--although we have much volunteer help--we fund One World Institute entirely out of our pockets and through pearl activities.

A few months ago Princess Yolanda asked silver craftsmen from Sulu to create jewelry using locally produced, 99% pure silver, and Mother of Pearl or cultured pearls from the Sulu Sea. Now we seek a market for about 250 pieces per month. This will allow many fathers and mothers to make enough income to buy rice and fish for their children, and perhaps even enough to buy shoes and uniforms so their kids can go to school.

The pin is about 3.5" long x 1.8" wide. It is entirely handmade, not stamped out by some machine. The men and women grind Pinctada maxima shells to get the Mother of Pearl. The silver comes from nearby mountains. Each piece requires approximately 30 hours of manual labor.

Our cost is $20 per pin. We would like to make $22 per pin--if sold in bulk, more if in lots of 10--which creates a little profit to support the school we just opened, which you can read about at this link. Then click on the education link. A 3 minute YouTube video may interest begins with sort of a scratching sound and then begins to show images.

So, if you know of anyone with a big enough store to buy half or all of the monthly production, please ask them to contact me.

Thomas Stern,MD
Chairman, One World Institute, A California Public Benefit Corporation
Prince of Sulu and North Borneo
Philippine Consulate Building
Suite 701
447 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California, USA 94108
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