Champagne SSP with pink and green hues


Jun 22, 2012
Hi all,

I know this pearl isn't as stunning as Ivona's on the thread I thought I would post it anyway! I really like this pearl, the colours are so preetttyyy it makes my heart skip a beat when I roll it around my palm. It's not really round but more of a high button shape, and under different lights the pearl just reflects light differently! It's not very big, only 13.0mm.

BWBraceletBaroqueand freshwatertincupC932D THP PP XI
a little sister to my pearl....... It has a beautiful luster & color.
Yes, they are both from same family ...
Hehe thanks Amrita! I think I'll be making it into a ring too, though I would feel sad that I will only get to see one half of the pearl when it's set that way.

Ivona, it is indeed a little sister to your pearl! How very sweet of you <3
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Hehe thanks Amrita! I think I'll be making it into a ring too, though I would feel sad that I will only get to see one half of the pearl when it's set that way.

DEPENDS HOW YOU SET IT... my WSS and Tahitian are set the way that I see 80% of the pearl on my finger and 98% with ring in my hand....
The pearl is beautiful and the only thing that really matters is that you love it. Enjoy your beauty.
Beautiful! I even thought it was one of mine own Cortez Pearls! of course until I saw the size (13 mm). Believe me, 13 mm is good!
Thank you everyone! Oh my isn't that a big compliment from you Douglas! My pearl feels very honoured...

Ivona, how are you planning to set yours? Any stones to be in the ring? if the pearl has a very small base to sit on, I'm a bit worried about banging into it all the time, i'm not the most careful person, a klutz really!
Ivona, how are you planning to set yours? Any stones to be in the ring? if the pearl has a very small base to sit on, I'm a bit worried about banging into it all the time, i'm not the most careful person, a klutz really!

it's in my avatar.... and bigger picture is in the thread about my pearl..
oh yes, that's right! sorry Ivona, I had a really "duh" moment there. Hmm I'll have to find a design that I can carry off! here are some designs I found on the net, let's see if anyone can give some feedback on designs. I've attached four designs here, the images don't belong to me. Which one do you guys approve of the most? I find the design of SSP ring 1 very unique!

009008ssp ring 2.jpg
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Would you mind editing the piece with the company name? They have a bit of an off reputation for stealing photos in the past, at least. You can put links if you wish.
Hi Caitlin,

too late! I was figuring how to delete it and was in the advance editor when you just posted your last message. that's alright, I can do without that one, it's not one of my top liked designs.