Cause of Several Layers of Missing Nacre in Natural Pearls such as this?

The Pearl ring arrived today and the photos in no way do it justice. It is gorgeous. Loads of lustre and looks a pure white but with pink and blue shining through. Really beautiful even with the loss of nacre or hollows. At 10mm it really stands out.

I will try and get some decent photos of it tomorrow after a salt sludge bath and paraffin oil bath. But I have it on now and I love it. In the second lot of photos I uploads it looked dull and dried out. It just isn't that way. One of the best lustres I have seen.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 - natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover.
Hi all,

I have more photos finally. It does show even more cracking on the section of missing layer in at least one of the areas where nacre is missing.

Wish I was able to peel the pearl as in Douglas's video. What a great video and what a great site for Cortez pearls. I spent a large part of last nice reading his Blog and once again going over the Cortez pearl site.

You are very generous with information Douglas and it is much appreciated.

If I saw a puppy or kitten or other animal in need I would rescue it and this is the way I feel about this pearl. :o Not very bright of me but the way I feel. Although these lastest photos really do show that it has suffered severely and it would probably not be possible to save it.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 - natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover.

I was hoping for the final photo after you received it but your chip & the dirt under the nacre in 2nd pic reminds me of my recent chip.

I see the dirt under the nacre like what you said somehow the nacre was interrupted or dirtied inside the oyster.
I know my dirt did not get under it after it was chipped as it just chipped & it was under it without any dirt touching the area after the layer was exposed.

What would cause this?

I like the gas pocket idea too but its possible the dirt did create a seperation in the nacre & with some small trauma it broke away.

I don't think many of us have looked inside out pearls but I know on mine that dark layer was put by the oyster or when it was forming & its not from dirt after it was chipped...



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    Fake SS gold P1030516 dark line (2) nacre chip red.jpg
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  • Fake SS gold P1030517 darl line chip (2) red.jpg
    Fake SS gold P1030517 darl line chip (2) red.jpg
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So sad but it does seem Bodecia is not active anymore. I remember her posting all those pictures of natural pearls in the candling thread.

I was really hoping to see the photos after a salt sludge bath & parrafin wax bath. I was curious how it turned out...

Good thing it was not a 46 page long thread as I hate to get to the end of a long book & find the last page is missing...:(