Hi and thanks for your remarks. I agree this thread just has to have a sticky for all the information in it and what we learn from it. Caitlin we need a sticky for it.

CharmedOne and Pattye, you are welcome. At first I was going to recommend the one that I had been using but then I had not been able to get the other one working until today after your question. So hooked it up on my computer and it is working fine via Photo Booth. Prior to learning that it was Photo Booth to work them through I had all kinds of trouble with both and sort of gave up on the stainless one but now I have been taking photos with that one too and they are great without any critical focus problems which I have encountered with the first.
Reason for this is because it has so many working parts that the focus can alter slightly even though it is not being touched so I have to take a lot of photos to get the ones in focus.
So I am having problems with which one to recommend. Give me a day or two before I recommend. I don't want to give anyone a bum steer.
I will give the second microscope a really good work out and then recommend one or the other.
The original that I took the last lot of photos with is the one that Dave recommended as he has one similar although his does not have all the bells and whistles so might be easier for critical focus. On mine just about everything adjusts which might not be such a good thing unless I just got a wonky one. With the stainless steel one I have just started taking photos and so far great and critical focus is easy.
Later I will upload some photos from it and let you see the results.
Thank you GemGeek. I have been working so hard to get these results and would not give up. Barry is thinking I am a little insane.
Dave, thank you so much for your input. Where would we be without you. Lost I think. I was sure the first two were natural but not so sure on the 3rd although I think it is natural. On the fourth I had serious doubts. I take it you are saying number 3 is likely to be natural and number 4 is likely to be cultured. I will try those two again with this other microscope just in case I can take better photos with it.
Pattye, power of first microscope is -
Offers 5X-500X Magnification ratio, captures 2MP still images, streams and records live videos
Ultra-clear image processing technology provides excellent image and video quality
Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 and Mac OS (driver free)
User-friendly software provides advanced editing, processing and measuring features
Metal stand and built-in white light 8-LED ring light
Will look up the second microscope's info and add it later. Probably similar.
More photos soon on second microscope although have to go into town so won't be able stay up all night working on it.
Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl lover.