Can you tell me about my grandmother's pearls?


Jun 15, 2012
These pearls belonged to my grandmother, I am assuming they were purchased sometime between the 1950's and the 1980's. But that is just a guess. They do feel gritty when I rub two pearls together.

Being a novice, I would like some reassurance that they are genuine. However, if they are not, they still mean the world to me for sentimental reasons.

I would like to buy some pearl studs to wear with them, so I am hoping to find some that match reasonably well. If anyone can recommend some places where I could look for some studs that are very affordable yet with a beautiful luster, I'm all ears! :)

Sorry, these are taken with my phone and I don't have a macro setting. This is as close as I could get:












You have a 3.5 momme strand of Japanese akoya pearls. The 3.5 momme stands for the weight of the strand - 1 momme = 3.75 grams - an ancient unit of measure used in Japan, and actually spelled "monme". Cultured pearls were very expensive in the mid part of the century, so the fashion was to graduate the strands to approximately 7 mm in the center.

It looks like the strand has been very well cared for and is in great condition and has even been knotted somewhat recently in the current style, not the original knotting style. That's something you don't see very often. I don't see much in the way of yellowing in the strand, but I've never seen an old one without it, so it may just not be coming through in the photo. When strands have this aging coloration, they can be very difficult to match. Most often we've looked for pairs with a strong, strong ivory body color with slight rose overtones. But even then sometimes it isn't possible to get a perfect match.
Thank you! I will see if I can find someone local to restring. I've never worn them, but I'm eager to.
They do seem a bit yellowed to me, just slightly. Can I do anything about that?

There are 95 pearls on the strand.
Thanks for counting. That was before I saw Jeremy's answer. You might look for vintage akoya earrings. They would be slightly yellowed, as well.
There isn't anything you can do about the yellowing, unfortunately. Caitlin is right about the vintage earrings. That might be your best bet. We typically carry a few thousand pairs of akoya earrings at any given time, and I still wouldn't be able to say with any degree of real confidence whether or not we would be able to make a perfect match.
I thought about the need to re-string too!

As for wearing matching jewellery, it is not for me, as I prefer to mix and match.

Good luck with finding a pair of closely matched earrings!

DK :)
Thank you all for your input.

I never seemed to notice pearls before and now I can not stop looking at them. My wish list is growing and growing.

These pearls have quite a lovely glow to them, so I am excited to have them restrung and wear them.

Since I am new to pearls, is mixing a no-no? If someone were to wear Tahitian black pearl studs with a white Akoya necklace, would that look odd? At this time, I'm leaning toward some Akoya studs, but I am so drawn to the beauty of the Tahitians.

You might try to contact Sarah at She has been known to have vintage akoya pearls from the safe of Pacific Pearls. I have a necklace I bought from her in the loveliest creme color. You can refer her to this thread.

I mix and match different pearls all the time - tahiti necklace with white SSP earrings, tahiti and akoya necklace together, akoya necklace with tahiti earrings, akoya necklace and Kasumi earrings... The only no-no is the white SSP earrings with the creme colored akoyas.

- Karin
Those pearls are incredible. No wonder why you can't stop looking at them! :)
I have been reading a few threads about akoya vs. freshwater, namely that akoyas don't last as long or will wear down. Should I be concerned with wearing them often? These pearls are pretty old, but seem to be in good condition to my untrained eye. After I have them restrung, I was hoping to wear them as often as I could. Should I wear them less in order to avoid wearing the nacre down?
They are old enough to have a heavy nacre coating. I would enjoy them freely. :)
Maybe try not to wear them a lot when it's hot enough that you would perspire profusely and avoid lotions and perfumes in your neck area. Put the pearls on after you use hairspray. Things like that. :)
Pearls are to be worn and enjoyed. I'll bet your Grandmother would be tickled to know that you're so taken with them. :)
Beautiful things are meant to be used. Wear them, but take good care of them.

Don't expose them to perfumes or other cosmetics. Wipe them gently with a clean soft cloth (a fine microfober is perfect) before putting them away. Now and then or if it's been a sweaty day, dampen the cloth very slightly (not to wet the silk) to get the sweat/body oils off them.