Hello! Was wondering if anybody could help with this pearl necklace I have. The 14K gold clasp says 14k RC. I have researched what RC could mean and it is the trademark for Roberto Coin which is a very high end Jeweler. However, I have not seen any other regular pearl necklaces out there from Roberto Coin and the clasp does look like your standart pearl necklace clasp. I just took a chance on this necklace at an auction so I know absolutely nothing about pearls. Has anybody ever seen a Roberto Coin pearl necklace before or can confirm if this is a Roberto Coin? Also, can anybody tell just by looking at these pics what type of pearls these are? The first three pics were from the auction site and are magnified to show any deficiencies or defects so maybe that will help or not. The other one is just a picture I took under a desk lamp. Sorry if these are not efficient enough pics I can add more if somebody can help. Thanks so much for taking your time to help if you can!

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